Monday, 22 August 2011

Should the media be expected to report sensitive political information?

This entry relates to politically sensitive information and the role of the media. This BBC online article relates to DEFENCE ADVISORY NOTICES and the fact that the mainstream media rarely challenge these notices. Will the advent of citizen journalism and blog culture negate the ability of DANs to protect politically sensitive information?
In a post-Wikileak digital age, is it possible to protect 'delicate' political information?

Click on link to access BBC article:

This relates to Year 13 and issues such as media and democracy and media regulation.

Thursday, 11 August 2011

London Rioters Vs Photoshop.

A series of digitally manipulated images have appeared on the web in response to the recent UK riots. Why might these images be of interest to a student of media? What do they tell us about digital technology? What do they tell us about human nature? What are the media issues and debates that can be linked to these images?
Again, I will be using these images when we return to school.


The recent disturbances in London, or 'Jazz Shopping' as some have called the riots, have produced a series of powerful images. Year 13 students may wish to consider the media issues and debates linked to these images. We will be discussing these images/videos when we return to school next month. Why have these moments been used by mainstream media? What do they tell us about 21st Century digital media?

Channel Four News item and the You Tube clip of the Ashraf Haziq mugging:

Hackney Woman: