Monday 24 December 2012

YEAR 13 LESSON FIFTEEN [19th Dec 12]: Homework.

The whole of this session considered the question:
The notes below relate to class discussion but also provide a potential essay structure.
The session began with a consideration of theory and the fact that regulation suggests that the media is considered by various UK governments [the agencies responsible for dictating regulatory power] to be influential. This could be related to Marxist Theory and Reception Theory may be used to explore the idea that regulation can be problematic. Essays need to refer to 'examples' of media influence. See my violence essay.

The second section of the essay needs to examine how difficult it is to regulate effectively. Reference was made to the Barnardos/Women's Aid campaigns. Independent research will be required if students are to construct a precise argument. Why was the Women's Aid advert banned by Clearcast? What was the result? Why did the ASA refuse to regulate the 'Break The Cycle' campaign? What does this tell us about the difficulty of media regulation? Reference could be made to the film The Life Of Brian.

The next phase of the essay could explore advertising and link this to the objectification of women. Reference could be made to a whole series of banned advertisements. We discussed Lynx/Dove/Reebok Easytone/ RyanAir. Why should these images be regulated? We clearly have an issue in this country with violence towards women. Could the advertising industry be contributing to the negative representation of women? The Sun's Page 3? Students might want to refer to the concept of HEGEMONY. Students might want to peruse the links below:                                                         

The next potential paragraph of the regulation essay could explore the moral responsibility of the media and the significance of THE LEVESON INQUIRY. Reference was made within class discussion to Hillsbrough, Ian Tomlinson, The News of The World and the phone hacking scandal, The treatment of the McCann family, Christopher Jeffries...on and on...the question I asked you lot was: To what extent should a newspaper offer a sense of moral responsibility? What does the Leveson report tell us about the state of British newspapers? Why is the PCC considered by Ed Milliband to be a 'toothless poodle'? Do you agree that the British press will lose its freedom if Leveson's ideas are embraced? Will regulation result in censorship? What are the arguments AGAINST implementing Leveson's new model of regulation? Should a law be introduced to protect the public from the press? Would you, unlike David Cameron, implement Leveson's regulation model? Students need to consider what the enquiry tells us about the British media and its relationship with politicians, the police and the public. Should British newpapers be trusted to regulate themselves? What happened in Denmark when they embraced Leveson's model? Click on links below for resources:

The final section should explore the regulation of the internet. Class discussion was excellent so refer to your notes. How can you regulate the content of the internet? Reference must be made to SOPA and the Communications Data Bill. Can the internet ever be subject to regulation? Independent study required. Examples?

The conclusion needs to be concise and personal. I want the final section of this essay to offer a strong, informed and considered personal opinion. Answer the essay title directly. Don't repeat yourself.

HOMEWORK: Complete the essay. I expect the essay at the beginning of our second session in the New Year. I expect the essay to offer clear evidence of independent research and critical autonomy.

Monday 17 December 2012

YEAR 12 LESSON FOURTEEN [17th Dec 12]: Homework

The whole of the session was aimed at developing student awareness of the demands of THE CROSS-MEDIA STUDY. Students were asked to consider the content of the e-media used to promote RESTREPO, PROJECT NIM, and EXIT THROUGH THE GIFT SHOP and consider how the content of these sites could be used to answer the question:
The class were then asked to consider how the producer may benefit from this digital marketing.
The lesson moved into a consideration of how to define HYBRID-Documentary and the class watched a segment of Channel Four's THE SECRET MILLIONAIRE. This was the Martin Stamp episode located in Hull.
The class were asked to consider how media forms shape meaning in the Project Nim Trailer and were shown a segment from MAN ON WIRE. The same director created Project Nim and Man On Wire and the success and credible reputation of MOW is used to promote Project Nim.
Project Nim trailer:

HOMEWORK: Students are not expected to produce a written homework BUT I do expect students to conduct research that will inform the response to THE CROSS-MEDIA STUDY. Below is a link to ALL the e-media that will provide the foundation of the material for Section B of the exam. Click on link:
Have a fine break media freaks. Be Merry. Drink Sherry. Smack Terry.

Last year I made a CROSS-MEDIA podcast to be used as a revision tool for Year 12. We are not using the same texts, we are looking at Project Nim rather than Man On Wire, but this podcast will offer students an idea of what is expected from the Cross-Media Study and provides some essential contextual information relating to Documentary and Hybrid-Documentary. This podcast also documents my search for the Beverley Westwood Elk and deals with the condition known as the Jazz Trance. Enjoy:  
I also created this revision podcast in 2011 to explore issues relating to Section A of the exam:

Tuesday 11 December 2012

YEAR 13 LESSON FOURTEEN [12th Dec 12]: Homework.

Students watched the creative work that was produced as a 'dry run' for the linked production requirement of the coursework. There were problems with the narratives constructed within this work and it is important that students, when producing a critical documentary, consider the nature of the questions being offered to the subjects being interviewed. The questions must allow the students to construct a coherent and relevant critical narrative that explores a key media debate or issue. Films must also offer a critical conclusion that is determined by the content of the film. Technically the work was excellent. Students are clearly aware of the capability of the technology. Framing, filming, and editing were all impressive BUT we do need to learn from the narrative issues visible within all three films.

The heart of the lesson was a consideration of MEDIA REGULATION. Class discussion explored the conclusion of The Leveson Inquiry, issues relating to the regulation of advertising, the purpose of media regulation, regulation of print media, and the difficulty of regulating the digital world. How will any country ever be able to regulate the internet?
Below are a series of resources used to illustrate key points:

Regulation of advertising:
Ice Cream:
Film regulation
Life of Brian...banned in Ireland and Norway:
Internet censorship????
BBC News:
Racist Tweet:
The Leveson Inquiry...THE AFTERMATH...:
Link to the British Board of Film Classification website. This is a fantastic resource and would advise all students to peruse this incredibly informative site:
BBFC Archive. Some great Case Studies here:
Link to BBFC education section:

HOMEWORK: Students need to prepare for a discussion that will confront the question:
Students need to attend the lesson next Wednesday armed with independent research that will provoke a fine debate!!
Toodle Pip.

Monday 10 December 2012

YEAR 12 LESSON THIRTEEN [10th Dec 12]: Homework.

Students were asked to analyse two postcards that represent the city of Hull. Students were encouraged to consider the nature of the institution that would mediate such texts and discuss how meaning is shaped within each text. The focus of this task was to encourage students to use more media language when producing a critical response and offer specific textual reference when attempting to support opinion. Class response was excellent. The class discussion generated a series of notes that filled the white board and then students produced a 15 minute written response to the question:
How is the city of Hull represented?
Students were given the freedom to write about the postcard which they believed would allow them to produce the most media appropriate response.

The second session involved students discussing how media forms are used to shape meaning in the EXIT THROUGH THE GIFT SHOP TRAILER. Click on link below to access text: 
Again, the focus of this task was to develop the ability of students to use appropriate critical media language when attempting to generate a critical response. Again, class response was excellent.
Some extra notes will be available to download asap. Keep checking the blog.

The aim of this task is for students to construct a one/two paragraph response that uses media language appropriately and provides a detailed analysis that is supported with specific textual reference. THIS IS THE AREA OF OUR WORK THAT NEEDS TO IMPROVE.

Students also need to examine the E-Media used to promote the following texts. This research will provide the focus for our next session and is essential for our CROSS-MEDIA STUDY.
Film Documentary:
Project Nim:
Exit TTGS:
E-Media for Documentary Filmmakers:
Nick Broomfield:
Michael Moore:
E-Media for Television Documentary:
BBC Wonders Of The Universe:
Louis Theroux:
Hybrid Documentary:
Channel Four Documentary Site....
The Secret Millionaire:

The Cross-Media Study will expect students to answer questions such as:
Is the media dumbing down? Refer to the media products in your case study.
Has new technology enhanced audience engagement and activity?
Who benefits more from new digital media, the audience or producer?
'To be successful, media institutions have to use a variety of media platforms.' To what extent is this true of your cross-media study?


Toodle Pip.

Year 13 LESSON THIRTEEN [5th Dec 12]: Homework.

Students continued to edit their 'linked production' pieces. It became apparent that some of the narratives are a little 'loose'. Next session I will be pressing the play button and we will be examining the success of each project. The conclusion needs to be convincing. There is a lot of work to be done here.

HOMEWORK: Continue to follow news relating to the Leveson Inquiry and the regulation of the media as this will be the focus of the next session. Feel free to work on your productions during independent study. GO ON....I DARE YOU......a decent film needs love, care and time.

Sunday 2 December 2012

YEAR 12 LESSON TWELVE [3rd Dec 12]: Homework.

I threw a lot of content into the media pot today media freaks and you were extremely patient.
The sermon began with a consideration of media theory and how the theories of Dyer, Berger and Reception Theory could be applied to the John Lewis Advert. Students were asked to apply media theory to the text below: 
Class discussion considered the Year 12 coursework briefs and the film below was shown as an example of broadcast media appropriate for Brief Three:
Chimpnimsky then heaved the discussion towards a consideration of Narrative Theory and reference was made to Todorov, Barthes and Levis-Strauss. Students need to develop the ability to identify how narratives are shaped and reference to binary opposites, disequilibrium, action codes and enigma codes is expected within critical writing. Students were asked to discuss how narrative theory could be applied to the EXIT THROUGH THE GIFT SHOP trailer before being asked to consider how media forms are used to shape meaning in the same trailer:

Here are some resources that relate to the history of documentary. Click on links to access the Lumiere Brothers and Andy Warhol:

The final section of the lesson considered the CROSS-MEDIA STUDY which relates to Section B of the examination. Our Cross-Media Study will deal with Documentary and Hybrid Documentary and the first two texts that we will be using to explore this area of the course will be the film documentary EXIT THROUGH THE GIFT SHOP and Channel Four's hybrid documentary THE SECRET MILLIONAIRE. The aim of the Cross-Media Study is to develop student understanding of how audiences consume, participate and respond to documentaries and their coverage and understand how producers use digital media to create and promote work.
Students were asked to consider how ETTGS uses e-media to promote the film and what e-media offers an independent filmmaker.

HOMEWORK: Complete the John Lewis theory question: What pleasure does this media text offer its audience? Reference MUST be made to Dyer, Reception Theory and Berger. SHOW ME YOU CAN APPLY MEDIA THEORY.
Students need to peruse the e-media used to promote EXIT TTGS and THE SECRET MILLIONAIRE. We will be discussing these sites in the next session.Click on links below to access BOTH SITES:
Students need to watch Exit Through The Gift Shop. Here is the link to the first YOU TUBE segment. Navigate through the film from here:
Students also need to consider the meaning being shaped by the postcards I gave you at the end of the lesson. We will be discussing these representations next week.

Friday 30 November 2012


This is a fine slice of work created by a group of Year 12 Students. This was Year 12's first attempt at making creative media.The idea was to create a Sixth Form Survival Guide that would offer advice to potential Sixth Form Students. This was an eight hour project [four lessons: four hours filming...four hours editing]. Click on link below to access text:

LEVESON...The Aftermath......

BBC articles:
Where does Leveson leave the internet:
Victims launch national petition:
Channel Four News:
Al Jazeera:

YEAR 13 LESSON TWELVE [28TH NOV 12]: Homework.

Students attempted to create their critical investigation linked productions. The whole aim of this task is for students to develop their creative media skills and also develop an awareness of how the linked production can be used within the critical investigation. Students must offer some form of critical conclusion through use of voiceover. This media must offer the audience a critical conclusion.

HOMEWORK: Our next essay will explore issues relating to media regulation so students need to be aware of all the issues surrounding the Leveson Inquiry. Check the blog for resources. Students also need to work on their linked productions so ALL students need to edit their material before next week's session. Contact me and I will make sure all appropriate equipment is available.

Sunday 25 November 2012

YEAR 12 LESSON ELEVEN [26th Nov 12]: Homework.

The sermon began with a consideration of REPRESENTATION and how INSTITUTION and the ideology of an institution shapes mediation to create a representation. Students were introduced to a range of resources:

Representations of the modern city:
Representations of 9/11 and the photograph captured by Thomas Hoepker that did not fit the media narrative of this horrible day. This is a very interesting example of representation. This link also has examples of photography that did connect with the media narrative:
Below is a link to some Don McCullin resources. Students were asked to consider why the British Government refused to grant him access to photograph the Falklands War. Why would a government be frightened of the work of a photographer?
Below is a link to an article that tells the story of Iranian photographer Javad Moghimi who had to leave Iran after capturing this image:
I didn't get time to share this resource with you but it is a classic Fox News moment. Students should note how Fox News mediates this news article about the OCCUPY WALL STREET demonstration and why they failed to broadcast the interview with Jake LaGreca:
Fox News Resource:
Bill O'Reilly Show:
Jake LaGreca:

More Fox News material:

The terrifying BANNED advert:

After discussing issues relating to the media equation INSTITUTION+MEDIATION=REPRESENTATION...the lesson moved on to explore issues relating to Section A of the exam. The core text was last year's JOHN LEWIS CHRISTMAS ADVERTISEMENT. Click on link below to access the text:
John Lewis material on fishymedia:

Horror genre John Lewis. Note how the soundtrack and editing can change the whole meaning of a text:

Students were asked to consider THREE questions:
HOMEWORK: Students need to complete the JOHN LEWIS questions. This is a BIG homework as the critical writing is clearly the area of our work that needs to improve. ALL answers need to use appropriate MEDIA LANGUAGE and refer specifically to the text when illustrating a critical argument. ALL STUDENTS HAVE DECENT NOTES. The notes I provided are detailed. USE THEM. STUDENTS MUST USE MEDIA LANGUAGE WHEN CONSTRUCTING A CRITICAL RESPONSE. STUDENTS MUST REFER TO CONNOTATION...DIEGETIC SOUND...NON-DIEGETIC SOUND...FRAME COMPOSITION...POINT OF VIEW SHOT....SIGNIFICANCE OF MID SHOT? CLOSE UP?...WHEN CONSIDERING REPRESENTATION STUDENTS MUST IDENTIFY THE PREFERRED READING AND CONSIDER AN OPPOSITIONAL READING.

Students also need to consider media theory as next week we will be considering the question:
Students must be aware of Dyer's Theories, Berger's theory relating to advertising, The Uses and Gratifications Theory and Reception Theory.


What is the Leveson Inquiry?..:
Other related BBC articles:

Myth-busting...XMAS ADVERTS: BBC Article.

Excellent article exploring how the advertising industry represent Xmas. Click on link:
Article relating to the 2011 John Lewis Advert:
Charlie Brooker article relating to Xmas Adverts:

Saturday 24 November 2012

YEAR 13 LESSON ELEVEN [21st Nov 12]: Homework.

Students discussed issues relating to REGULATION and each students was assigned a research area. These are the areas of regulation that will be investigated by individual students:
  • The 2010 Digital Economy Act. Research should explain what it is, why it exists and the nature of its regulatory powers.
  • The Advertising Standards Authority. What are its powers and examples of its regulation. Why does it exist?
  • The reporting of the Hillsborough tragedy and how this relates to the media regulation debate.
  • The Clockwork Orange/Manhunt controversies and regulation issues that surround the potential influence of media. The student dealing with this might also like to research THE JUNO EFFECT.
  • The Leveson Inquiry. What it is, why it exists, what is its aim and what power it may have upon media regulation.
  • The Press Complaints Commission.
  • The SOPA Demonstration.
  • The Hays Code.
Students are expected to produce an A4 sheet of information that relates to the specific area of research being undertaken. When we meet on Wednesday I will create a booklet using the student research and this will become a resource that will inform our next written task. Material should be detailed, coherent and relevant. All student research must address the following questions:
What is your area of regulation? Why does it exist? What is its aim? What are its regulatory powers? How does your topic relate to media regulation? Does it receive any criticism? If so why? Why should this research be of interest to a media student? If appropriate, students should provide examples of your topic area's attempt to regulate the media? YOUR CLASSMATES NEED A DECENT RESOURCE SO THIS IS AN IMPORTANT HOMEWORK.

The rest of the session involved filming for the creative task. Next week we begin the editing.

HOMEWORK: Complete the research task and create an A4 sheet [or two] that we can use as a resource. Below are some resources that may assist the homework task:
2010 Digital Economy Act:

More resources to follow......keep watching media freaks.....

Sunday 18 November 2012

YEAR 12 LESSON TEN [19th Nov 12]: Homework.

Students continued to edit their Sixth Form Survival Guide. Some of the work is superb.
HOMEWORK: As I stated in today's lesson, the Dexter homework lacked precise critical detail and next week we will be addressing this feature of the course. The key text that we shall examine will be last year's JOHN LEWIS XMAS ADVERT. Click on link below:
John Lewis Xmas Advert 2011:
The questions that we shall attempt to answer next week will include:
  1. How are media forms used to suggest the passing of time?
  2. How does the advertisement communicate brand values for John Lewis?
  3. How does this text represent the family?
Today's creative work was very accomplished. Well done.

Before the Xmas break we will begin our Cross-Media Study, which is an essential feature of the second section of the examination paper, and one text that you will need to be familiar with before we wrestle with this section of the course is the documentary EXIT THROUGH THE GIFT SHOP which explores the work and influence of the great British graffiti artist BANKSY. Below is a link to a YOU TUBE version of this film that can be watched in YOU TUBE size chunks! Below is the link to the first section and students can navigate through the film from this point:

Saturday 17 November 2012



Excellent BBC article:

Friday 16 November 2012

YEAR 13 LESSON TEN [14th Nov 12]: Homework.

The first session of the lesson was a consideration of the title:
'VIOLENT MEDIA CREATES VIOLENT PEOPLE.' To what extent do you agree with this statement?
This title challenges students to apply media theory in an appropriate manner, consider the extent to which a media text can be considered influential, and consider how a media text can be used to gratify the needs of the audience. Students are expected to provide evidence of independent study and critical autonomy.

The rest of the session involved students capturing footage to be used in the construction of creative media. This footage will be used to construct linked productions for a theoretical critical investigation. Students were encouraged to form a hypothesis and use the footage gathered to form some form of investigative media conclusion that could be used as part of a critical investigation. This task is really investigative journalism and replicates the requirements of the linked production coursework component at A2.

HOMEWORK: Complete the essay. Click on link below to access and download extra essay guidance notes:
Students should be filming material for the creative task. Next week we will continue to film.

Tuesday 13 November 2012

BODY IMAGE: BBC article.

Interesting resource for A2 students as I know some of you are interested in this topic:

Monday 12 November 2012


Below are two films that attempt to document our recent trip to Bradford. Enjoy.

YEAR 12 LESSON NINE [12th Nov 12]: Homework.

Students began to edit the 'JOINT SIXTH SURVIVAL GUIDE'. Each group has 27 minutes of material that needs to be shaped into a 5 or 6 minute film that offers an insight into the world of A Level study to any Y11 student currently considering attending the Joint Sixth Form. The lesson began with a discussion that considered Institution, Audience, Representation and Media Forms. All these features need to be considered before beginning to construct broadcast media.

The whole aim of the session was to provide students with the opportunity to shape their filming into a convincing and sophisticated media text. The quality of the work was impressive. Well done.

HOMEWORK: Next week we will be attempting to complete this creative work therefore students MUST bring a soundtrack to the session. If you bring an MP3 file on a memory stick we can place this underneath the visual content. YOU MUST BRING YOUR MP3 FILES NEXT WEEK. THE SOUNDTRACK IS AN ESSENTIAL FEATURE OF THE TEXT AND WILL DICTATE THE RHYTHM OF YOUR EDITING.
Students are more than welcome to edit throughout the week. Let's see how keen you are!

Students also need to digest the two texts below as they will be used to inspire a written homework after our next session. These two films attempt to document our recent trip to the Bradford National Media Museum. Enjoy.
Click on links:

Saturday 10 November 2012

YEAR 13 LESSON NINE [7th Nov 12]: Homework.

Students continued to construct their Bradford Media Museum films. This creative lesson is a 'warm up' for the work that we will be constructing over the next couple of weeks.

HOMEWORK: Next lesson we will begin to construct our 'mini' linked productions. Students must consider the nature of the work that they will be constructing. Next week we will be filming so students must consider their GAMEPLAN. Students must consider the structure of their creative work and consider the critical focus. REMEMBER...the whole point of the linked production is to deliver a critical conclusion. This is really a piece of investigative journalism so students must consider why they are investigating their specific media focus and what they are attempting to discover. Students must appear on Wednesday with some ideas.

Monday 5 November 2012

YEAR 12 LESSON EIGHT [5th Nov 12]: Homework.

Students continued to edit films. Some of the work was genuinely accomplished. Particular praise is due to the 'Kaiser Chiefs' group as there is a genuine link between visual and audio. Remember it is not enough to simply place audio beneath a series of images. The visual imagery must be linked to the rhythm of the soundtrack.

HOMEWORK: Complete the two questions for homework. Click on link to access the Dexter broadcast media.
The print media appears at the top of the blog.
The aim of this homework is for students to use media language in an appropriate manner when offering a critical analysis.

1. How are media forms shaped to suggest the nature
of the central character in the opening credits to Dexter ?
Reference must be made to the enigma codes that drive this text.

2. In the print media, how are media forms used to suggest the nature of the central character?
Reference must be made to the use of the colour red, the use of humour, and the connotation of key images.

Tuesday 30 October 2012

YEAR 13 LESSON EIGHT [24th Oct 12]: Homework.

Students began their first creative task of the year and were reintroduced to the world of video editing. Footage gathered by Chimpnimsky at the recent trip to Bradford's National Media Museum was used to construct a music video. This task is a 'warm-up' exercise for the creative work that will be offered to students when we return to school after half-term. The next session will aim to complete the work that was constructed in today's session before moving into the construction of films that relate to the impact of digital media. If we stay in the same groups that were formed today, we should be able to film and edit three films that will inform understanding of issues that relate to A2 Media study. Students will be expected to construct work that will have some form of 'investigative' aim...just like the linked production that will inform your critical investigation.

HOMEWORK: Those D grade essays that lacked specific detail need to be rewritten. Students should use their essays as a draft and use my comments as a guide to access the higher grades. Students must support their view with a specific textual example. WE MUST IMPROVE THE CRITAL DETAIL OFFERED BY THE WRITTEN WORK. THE CREATIVE WORK SEEMS FINE...BUT WE NEED TO IMPROVE THE WRITTEN RESPONSES.


Monday 22 October 2012

DOVE ADVERTS: A useful resource for A2 Students.

Students may like to watch this incredible DOVE advert. Dove are continually challenging the unrealistic depictions of women that saturate our media. Below is a link to the BEAUTY PRESSURE advertisement and a link to a film that explores the construction of this advert:
The making of..:

Any student interested in female representation or objectification may wish to explore how DOVE promotes its brand.

YEAR 12 LESSON SEVEN [22nd Oct 12]: Homework.


Students were introduced to the technology available within the media department and the students were asked to edit their first film. Footage captured at the recent trip to the National Media Museum in Bradford was used as content and students were asked to create a two or three minute film that captures the spirit of the trip and would be suitable for publication on the museum website. Work was good and when we meet after half-term we will complete this task. Students need to consider the nature of the soundtrack.
Homework: Enjoy being a teenager. We will be finishing the Bradford Media Museum edit when we return to school then we move straight into the 'Survival Guide' for the Sixth Form. The next few sessions all involve creating creative media so watch as much moving image as possible and consider how editing is used to shape meaning.

Tuesday 16 October 2012

YEAR 13 LESSON SEVEN [17th Oct 12]: Homework.

Students discussed issues relating to the representation of women and were introduced to the results of a recent survey published in The Guardian on Monday that explored issues relating to women and the media. Click on link below to access article:

This moved into a consideration of how women are represented and the class were offered a couple of texts to provoke discussion. Click on links below to access texts:
Reebok Easy Tone Advert:
Lynx advert:
Banned Reebok advert advert:

The class then considered the representation of War. Click on links below to access texts:
Call of Duty World at War Trailer:
Restrepo Trailer:
The aim of this task was to develop the critical skills appropriate for MEST3 Section A in the exam. The question that students were asked to consider was:
How is the experience of War represented within these two texts? 

Students were then asked to consider ideas for creating creative media.

HOMEWORK: Attempt the representation question and develop ideas for creative media. Next week we need to structure ideas in preparation for creating two/three films that explore issues relating to the impact of digital media. We need to develop narrative ideas before we begin filming so bring some ideas to the lesson next week. I will plan a 'conventional' lesson that I will deliver IF you lot fail to offer some decent ideas for the creative media. For example, if we are making a documentary, what are the questions that will navigate the viewer through the film? What questions should we ask and why? What are we trying to investigate? Give it some thought.

How great was it to see BR? GOOD LUCK BETH!! YOU ARE MISSED IN MEDIA WORLD. Hope you like the photo!

Monday 15 October 2012

YEAR 12 LESSON SIX [15th Oct 12]: Homework.

Students continued to collect material suitable for the construction of a 'Sixth-Form Survival Guide'. Next week students will attempt to shape this material into a film. This will be an introduction to film editing and all the skills that will be used next week will be relevant when constructing coursework. This course is 50% Written/50% Coursework so next week's session is a BIG LESSON. Students are expected to use digital technology to create creative media and next week will be your introduction to the technology that you will be using to create your coursework. The filming looks okay. We should have some decent material to edit.

The Barnardo's written work was outstanding. Thank you very much media freaks. Keep it up.

HOMEWORK: Familiarise yourself with the DEXTER resource. Consider the question:
How are media forms being used to represent the nature of the central character?
click on link:

Don't produce a written response. Just watch and think...this will inform the quality of next week's class discussion.

Tuesday 9 October 2012

YEAR 13 LESSON SIX [10th Oct 12]: Homework.

THIS WAS A BIG LESSON. Students received their first marked A2 essays and feedback. Students need to offer more evidence of independent research and need to be aware that opinion must always be supported with textual reference. An exemplar response was provided from last year's A2 group. Students need to read this essay and be aware of the level of detail required to achieve an A grade at A2.

The whole of the session was a consideration of the essay title:
Class discussion explored a series of topics that may be appropriate for consideration within this essay. A potential essay structure:

  • Reference to Clay Shirky and his views relating to the empowering creative potential of digital media.
  • Reference to Iran in 2009/The Arab Spring of 2011 and how social media was used to confront political regimes that were inhibiting democratic freedom.
  • Reference to 38 Degrees and how such sites attempt to bring people together to fight for democratic justice. Examples of campaigns?
  • An exploration of the purpose of Wikileaks that considers why governments would want to control the information offered to its people and control the nature of their own political representation. This could be linked to Marxist Theory as the fact that governments wish to control information suggests they believe the web is capable of great political influence and can be used as a means of 'manufacturing consent.'
  • Reference to China and how the Chinese government attempts to regulate digital information.
  • The Estonian banking crisis OR the Stuxnet Worm and issues relating to cyberwar OR Anonymous and Hacktivism and how this emphasises how vulnerable we all are on the web.
  • Trolling and how digital media can be used to cause psychological distress. Possible reference to views of Andrew Keen.
  • The London Riots and how social media was used. This is a great example of the duality of digital media. Different people use social media for different reasons. If your motivation is to use digital media to empower people, the web does help create a more democratic world. If an individual's motivation is to control information, indulge in criminal activity and spread fear, the web helps create a world of fear and anxiety. IT DEPENDS WHO IS USING THE MEDIA AND FOR WHAT PURPOSE.
  • The conclusion may explore issues relating to geography. Access to digital democratic freedom depends upon where you live and the motivation of the individual using the technology. The technology itself does not create a more democratic world. The web is a reflection of the human condition. Good and bad.
Hacking....Security issues:
Stuxnet worm:
Cyber War threat:
Cyber Attacks :
April Jones trolling:
The Virtual Revolution. Below are three links to the second episode. Students should watch the whole of this episode as it is relevant for this essay:
38 Degrees Website:
Wikileaks Documentary:
London Riots from BBC Click:
Facebook and the Arab Spring. BBC Documentary:


HOMEWORK: Complete the essay. The challenge to all students is to improve your mark by ONE FULL GRADE.

Sunday 7 October 2012

YEAR 12 LESSON FIVE [8th Oct 12]: Homework.

The lesson began with feedback to the last written homework. The American cigarette adverts/Art Gallery written response was unimpressive. Students need to use media language in a more convincing manner when constructing a critical analysis and students must support their argument with specific reference to the media text. Exemplar material was offered to the class. Students need to read this resource.
The next critical written work will be a critical response to the resource below.
Dexter's 'Morning Routine':

The heart of the lesson was an introduction to the construction of creative media. Students were given the task of filming material that can be used to create a film that offers a 'BEVERLEY JOINT SIXTH FORM SURVIVAL GUIDE' for a Year 11 audience. Students were given the task of collating interviews and capturing images of the school. This was the first opportunity that students have been offered to capture moving image material. Some groups have captured some really good material. One group seem to have been wasting my time. We will have a feedback session at the beginning of the next session.

HOMEWORK: Students need to watch the Dexter resource and consider how media forms are being used to suggest the nature of the central character.
Next week students will be expected to gather as much footage as possible for the Sixth Form Survival Guide. I expect students to collect the video cameras at or before 9am next Monday. We need to be collecting material throughout the day, not just in the two 'media' hours. Students are encouraged to use their smart phones to gather moving and still images that we can use in our film. We need some footage of the sixth form centre at BHS. CO'B has a video camera. Feel free to share this resource and collect material from BHS.
Next week we gather as much material as we can. The week after, students will be introduced to the wonderful world of film editing.

Next week you will receive the results of the Barnardo's homework.

Tuesday 2 October 2012

YEAR 13 LESSON FIVE [3rd Oct 12]: Homework.

Students were asked to illustrate their understanding of media theory through a consideration of the title:
'Violent films produce violent people.' Discuss.
This will be an essay title in the very near future. Class discussion was excellent. I particularly liked MT's suggestion that desensitisation could be linked to Marxist theory. The application of media theory is a skill that all the class need to develop as this was definitely a media weakness in Year 12.

The next phase of the lesson was a consideration of the title:

Class discussion was punctuated with two relevant segments from the wonderful BBC series The Virtual Revolution. Clicl on link below for clips:

The Virtual Revolution clip one:

China..clip two:

Reference was made to the 38 Degrees site. Click on link:

Negative aspect of the internet.....Trolling:

Students will be asked to complete this essay for homework next week.

The final section of the lesson considered MEST 3 Section A and two texts were offered to the class. The question being considered was:
How is the experience of War represented in these two texts?
Click on links below to access texts:
Battle for Haditha:

HOMEWORK: Students will have an important essay to attempt next week so this week needs to be an 'independent research' week. Students need to illustrate critical autonomy when constructing next week's essay so you have a week to find and digest material that can be used in the 'Democracy' essay.
Students might want to digest these resources that relate to the London Riots, Wikileaks and the Arab Spring.

Wonderful BBC documentary that explores how Facebook was used to organise direct action during the Arab Spring:

London Riots resources:

Wikileaks documentary:

Sunday 30 September 2012

YEAR 12 LESSON FOUR [1st Oct 12]: Homework.

Students received their first marked homework of the year. I thought you lot handled the horror of receiving your first A Level grades in an admirable manner. The first intellectual engagement of the morning involved a consideration of the Winter's Bone trailer and how much information could be gathered from the first 20 seconds of the trailer. The aim of this exercise was to make students aware of the mass of information that is offered by a relatively brief media text and the importance of being able to identify key moments within a text. The exam will test student ability to quickly identify the key moments within a text. Class response was superb.
Link to The Winter's Bone Trailer:

The second phase of the lesson considered the institutional aim of a student text created by a previous Year 12 group. The class were asked to consider if this was appropriate for the institution and how text might be used to anchor meaning at the conclusion of the text. Again, the response was intelligent and relevant.
Click on link to access student film:

The main section of the lesson was a consideration of the Barnardo's 'Breaking The Cycle' campaign from 2008. The class were asked to consider four questions:

  1. How are media forms used to shape the meaning of the advert?
  2. How is the life of the girl represented?
  3. What do we learn about the role of Barnardo's in this advertisement?
  4. Where does the advert position its audience?
Click on link to access text:

HOMEWORK: Complete the Barnardo's written task. Furthermore, students must capture TWO STILL IMAGES of Beverley. The two images should offer two very different representations of Beverley. The two institutions shaping the representation should be aiming to access a different audience. For example one image may be aimed at young families and the other image aimed at teenagers. The choice is your own. E-mail me the two images before next Monday's lesson. Make sure you clearly state your target audience and the nature of the institution mediating the representation.

You lot were superb today. I expect ALL written work to improve by AT LEAST one full grade. Keep watching this blog as I will be posting some exemplar material asap.

Students may also like to hunt the mysterious  Beverley Westwood ELK. The truth is out there!

Tuesday 25 September 2012

YEAR 13 LESSON FOUR [26th Sept 12]: Homework.

This session aimed to provide students with notes that can be used to respond to the following statement:
Consider this statement and show how media institutions are reacting to technological developments.

Class discussion considered the content that would be appropriate when attempting to answer this MEST3 challenge. Reference was made to a variety of texts including:

  • The BBC and how and why they have embraced the challenge of the digital world.
  • The music industry and how NAPSTER has changed how an audience can consume music. Reference was made to Spotify and how Mp3 file sharing has blurred the boundary between audience and producer. Illegal file sharing and copyright is a big issue here. 
  • PAYWALLS and Rupert Murdoch.
  • MySpace and Wikipedia.
  • The publishing industry.
Students were offered a potential essay structure to accompany the notes created via class discussion. The interesting feature of this essay is that digital media institutions have struggled to survive in the digital world. It is not just old analogue media institutions that have struggled to create a business model that is appropriate for the digital world. Furthermore, digital media has allowed certain individuals the opportunity to thrive in the digital market-place. Reference was made to KHAN ACADEMY, SBTV, ROSIE HARDY and AMANDA HOCKING.

THIS IS A MASSIVE ESSAY. It will allow me to gauge who has been synthesising the information that I have been asking you to read and watch. The Virtual Revolution notes that relate to Wikipedia's gatekeeping system and the influence of Napster will be extremely useful. Remember, the whole aim of A2 Media is to encourage critical autonomy and independent study. This essay is your first test.

HOMEWORK: Complete the essay. The essay should consist of four detailed paragraphs and a convincing conclusion.

Students should also consider how media theory can be applied to the following title:

Also...your next essay title will be:
'THE INTERNET AND WORLDWIDE WEB HAVE CREATED A MORE DEMOCRATIC WORLD.' To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Students need to think about how they will answer this question. We will be discussing this title in the next session.

LOTS TO DO FOLKS. SORRY about the Victoria week...I promise.

Below are some links to help with the essay:
MySpace BBC online:
The Virtual Revolution..The Cost of Free:
Rosie Hardy:
Khan Academy:
Music piracy:
Amanda Hocking:
Rupert Murdoch discusses Paywalls:
Murdoch on new media:

Sunday 23 September 2012

YEAR 12 LESSON THREE [24th Sept 12]: Homework.

Students were briefly introduced to the media theories of Marxism and Liberal Pluralism and the idea of the audience being passive and active. The class were then offered the views of Baudrillard and his belief that all texts are mediated thus we exist in a state of HYPERREALITY. Students were also offered the views of John Berger and his belief that advertising attempts to exploit human vulnerability and offers the consumer a world where they can be 'better'. Bill Hicks appeared with his views relating to marketing. Why does Hicks entertain such extreme views? Why are the audience clapping?! Click on the link below to hear the late, great Mr.Hicks: 

Students were then introduced to the narrative disaster that is THE WINGS OF LUNESTA promotional advertisement. Class discussion explored why this is NOT an example of a successful media text. Click on link:

The session moved on to consider the REPRESENTATION of the act of smoking cigarettes in three American print advertisements from the 1970s. One student made a wonderful comment that the modern LYNX advertisements are equally ridiculous and represent women in a similar manner to the old American print advertisements. What do you think? Similar? Different? Click on link below to access  the 'fallen angels' LYNX advert:
Students were also asked to consider how media forms were used to represent the nature of the institution in a print advertisement used by a Mexican Art Gallery. This generated a discussion that explored the nature of 'shock advertising' and moved the session into its main phase.

The main section of the lesson considered the Barnardo's broadcast media from a 2008 campaign titled: Breaking the Cycle. Click on link below to access the text:
Students were also introduced to an image from a Barnardo's print campaign and asked to consider the media codes used to present information via the Barnardo's e-media. Click on link below to access Barnardo's e-media:
Students were asked to consider why the tone of the e-media seems less intense and provocative than the broadcast and print media.

HOMEWORK: Students must digest the Barnardo's material as this material will be the focus of your next piece of written work.

I would like students to produce a written response to the following questions:

  1. How is the act of smoking represented in the THREE American print advertisements from the 1970s?
  2. In the provocative poster used to advertise the Mexican Art Gallery, who is the target audience and what kind of art can the audience expect to experience within this gallery? 

Once lot were magnificent today. Keep it up.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

YEAR 13 LESSON THREE [19th Sept 12]: Homework.

Students were reaquainted with media theory. Reference was made to Reception Theory, Marxist Theory, Liberal Pluralism, Dyer's Theories, Berger's view of how advertising works, and Baudrillard's Theory of Hyperreality.

Reference was made to recent news stories such as the findings of the Hillsborough Panel, The Sun's Hillsborough aplology, and the violent reaction to the Innocence of Muslims video. Reference was made to THE YOUNG TURKS and their online news coverage. Students were asked to explore the media issues and debates that can be linked to these moments. Click on link below to access TYT news segment:
The Sun's apology..after 23 years:
The reaction of Liverpool supporters to the representation offered by the Sun on the Monday after the tragedy:
fishymedia Hillsborough resources:
Class discussion considered how these resources relate to media theory, globalisation and the power of digital media to spread information, regulation and whether it is possible or appropriate to control the internet, the moral responsibility of an institution when presenting lies as truth, the power of the mobile phone when combined with You Tube, and how digital media has allowed non-mainstream news organisations such as TYT to challenge the representations of mainstream media. Reference was also made to the Audience/Producer debate. Class response was excellent.

This news report appeared this evening. We were discussing this issue in today's session:

The class were offered the first ten minute You Tube segment of the Virtual Revolution. Click on link:
Here is the resource that deals with internet censorship shown in today's lesson:
Students need to consider if digital media has empowered the individual and enhanced democratic freedom. This will be an essay topic before the end of this half-term. The second episode of the Virtual Revolution deals with issues that relate to digital media and democratic freedom.

The final section of the session was an attempt to prepare students for Section A of Mest3.Students were asked to consider the question:
How are Olympic athletes represented in these two media texts?
Click on links below to access texts:
Channel Four's 'Meet the Superhumans':

HOMEWORK: Complete the representation question linked to the Olympic trailers. Students need to consider why the institution is offering this preferred reading and use all the media language appropriate when constructing a critical media analysis. This should be a one page A4 response if typing with a size 10 font.
Furthermore, I would like students to produce a written response to the question:
What are the media issues and debates that can be linked to the Hillsborough news story OR the Innocence of Muslims video OR the news report offered by THE YOUNG TURKS?
Choose the SPECIFIC text and produce a one side of A4 response. We discussed a whole range of issues this morning and you can approach your choice of text using any of the media issues or debates raised in the class discussion. Show me you were listening!

Students also need to watch the third episode of the Virtual Revolution.Click on link below to access first You Tube segment:

Students also need to consider the question below as this question will be offered as a written homework next week. Research required:
'Media Institutions are right to feel threatened by new/digital media.' Consider this statement and show how media institutions are reacting to technological developments.

Good luck folks. You were excellent today. Much appreciated. Keep it up.

Sunday 16 September 2012

YEAR 12 LESSON TWO [17th Sept 12]: Homework.

Students revisited the concept of REPRESENTATION and how the nature of the INSTITUTION shapes meaning. Reference was made to the representation of the Hillsborough tragedy by The Sun newspaper in 1989 and their apology last week, and how mobile phone footage was used to challenge the original Police representation of the death of Ian Tomlinson in 2009. Click on link below to access the Tomlinson footage that challenged the original representation of his tragic death.

The next session of the lesson involved the class considering the question:
How are Paralympians represented within this media text?
Click on link below to access Channel Four advertisement,

The next phase of the lesson considered the codes and conventions of the film trailer. Click on links below to access the three trailers used to identify codes and conventions:
Students discussed how the form of the trailer always provides information relating to character, location, time, genre and plot. Enigma codes are used, a state of narrative disequilibrium is presented and the text will be polysemic without being confusing. Text or dialogue is often used to illustrate the nature of the narrative. Media forms are dependent upon genre. Students may have the opportunity to construct their own trailers therefore students must be aware of the ingredients used to create a successful trailer.

Hitchcock's PSYCHO 'Shower Scene' was offered to students with the aim of developing student understanding of how media forms shape meaning. Click on link below:

The final section of this carnival of media delights was a consideration of the KICK-ASS trailer. Students were asked to consider the question:
How is violence represented within this media text?
Students were asked to apply media theory to this text and were introduced to Dyer's theories, the idea of desensitisation, Reception Theory and the Uses and Gratifications Theory.
Click on link to access trailer:

HOMEWORK: Sudents are expected to produce two pieces of written work in response to the questions:
  1. How are Paralympians represented within this media text?
  2. How is violence represented within the KICK-ASS trailer?
The Channel Four text demands that students consider the Preferred Reading and how media forms are constructed to create this meaning. STUDENTS MUST ATTEMPT TO USE MEDIA LANGUAGE IN AN APPROPRIATE MANNER. Students must refer to the significance of long shots, close ups, diegetic sound, non-diegetic sound, the speed of editing, connotation etc. Select the three or four key frames that serve to illustrate the nature of the Preferred Reading. I expect one page of A4 if the response is using a size 10 font.
The second text needs to identify the nature of the representation of violence and also needs to apply media theory. This is a controversial representation of violence therefore students need to consider how an audience might use this text and any negative effect this text may generate. Reference must be made to the concept of desensitisation and Dyer.


Good Luck Fiends. You were fantastic today. Much appreciated. Keep it up. Any problems.... fire me an e-mail.