Saturday 5 December 2015

YEAR 13 LESSON TWENTY-ONE/TWENTY-TWO [ 1st/4th Dec 15]: Homework

The Tuesday morning session continued the consideration of how to apply media theory to the front page from THE SUN. Is this a destructive or harmless example of media influence? Can media influence human behaviour at all?
HOMEWORK: Complete the written response.

The Friday session considered issues relating to MEDIA REGULATION. The class were asked to consider who regulates our media and why? Texts used in the lesson included the resources below:
Clip from The Life of Brian:
A banned Yves Saint Laurent 'Opium' advertisement:
Banned Federici Ice-Cream advert:

Here are some other controversial banned advertisements:
Women's Aid 'CUT' advertisement:

The whole point of this lesson was to explore the issue of REGULATION and consider the difficulty that surrounds this area of media. The two questions that students were asked to consider were:
If students type the word 'BANNED' into the white bar in the top-left corner of this blog they will access a lot of resources that relate to this issue. You should watch some of this material.

HOMEWORK: Enjoy being a teenager and watch some of the resources posted to the blog that explore issues relating to MEDIA REGULATION. We will be discussing this issue on Tuesday.

YEAR 12 LESSON TWENTY-ONE/TWENTY-TWO [30th Nov/ 3rd Dec 15]: Homework

Continue filming. We will begin the edit next week. I collected all the footage on Thursday and I will have a file of work ready for you for Monday's lesson.

HOMEWORK: Enjoy being a TEENAGER. Bring an audio file with you for Monday's session as we will begin to edit the film.

Saturday 28 November 2015

YEAR 13 LESSON TWENTY [27th Nov 15]: Homework

This lesson used the recent front page of THE SUN to discuss MEDIA THEORY. Students were asked to consider the MEDIA ISSUES AND DEBATES that can be linked to this front page. Students were asked to consider:

  • MEDIA THEORY and the possible influence of this text.
  • SOCIAL MEDIA and how it can be used to challenge content of the mainstream media.
  • REGULATION and how media regulation protects the audience from inappropriate content.
WE need to improve our application of MEDIA THEORY. Reference was made in this lesson to MARXIST THEORY, PLURALISM, THE ONE-STEP THEORY, THE USES AND GRATIFICATION THEORY, and RECEPTION THEORY. Below is a link to a series of visual/audio resources that explores issues relating to media theory:

HOMEWORK: Students will eventually be creating a written response to this task so the homework is to research THE LEVESON INQUIRY as every student of media needs to comprehend why this is such a MONUMENTAL MEDIA MOMENT. This is a media REGULATION issue. Students also need to synthesise all the resources used in this session in preparation for the written task. Click on link below to digest the resources:

Wednesday 25 November 2015

YEAR 13 LESSON NINETEEN [24th Nov 15]: Homework

This session was a 'feedback' session linked to the first two MEST 3 Section B essays. The written work was NOT wonderful so this lesson examined how students can improve their written analysis. WE NEED TO ADDRESS THE LACK OF TEXTUAL REFERENCE AND WEAK GENERAL COMMENTS...AND THE SUN JOURNALISM APPROACH TO FACTS! The class were asked to respond to the question:
The following paragraph structure was offered to the students:

  • Opinion that reacts to the focus of the question. The BBC have clearly adapted to the demands of the digital world. They are fully aware of how its audience consumes information in the digital age and have adapted to suit the needs of this audience.
  • Textual reference that illustrates and reinforces your critical opinion. This will involve Independent Study. Students need to develop CRITICAL AUTONOMY. Specific focus is required. You are banned from referring to the I-Player! The BBC offers so much more.
  • Explain how this textual reference supports your critical viewpoint.
  • The final section of the paragraph should offer a precise question focus and evaluate the issues being explored through your textual reference. Audience/Producer debate? We discussed how the BBC has become a much more successful Public Service broadcaster. We discussed the criticism of the licence fee. We discussed how digital media has allowed the BBC to confront its remit in a very successful manner.
Our written work needs to improve and this task will hopefully mark the beginning of the improvement.

HOMEWORK: Complete the paragraph. Read the links posted to THE SUN 'Jihad' front page blog entry. We will be discussing this News item on Friday.

YEAR 12 LESSON NINETEEN/TWENTY [23rd/26th Nov 15]: Homework

Students were asked to collect ideas for a filming task. The group decided that we will be gathering footage for a 90/120 second film that will promote the J6th. The target audience is Year 11.

HOMEWORK: Film some appropriate material.

Friday 20 November 2015

YEAR 13 LESSON EIGHTEEN [20th Nov 15]: Homework

Today was the last film session. I have most of the films. Ellie and James still need to complete their work. Next week we will focus on our critical writing. The first two essays were not we have some work to do! Bring your brains.

HOMEWORK: Enjoy being a teenager.

Thursday 19 November 2015

YEAR 12 LESSON EIGHTEEN [19th Nov 15]: Homework

Today's session involved the students discussing a series of texts, collating notes, and discussing possible content for questions linked to a specific text:

  1. How are media forms used to suggest the content of the show DEXTER?
Dexter was an American show available produced by the Showtime channel. Dexter is a blood splatter expert employed by the Miami Police Department and is the son of a very well respected ex-detective. However, he is also a brutal serial killer!!! He specialises in murdering criminals who have committed murder but have escaped any form of legal punishment. Dexter hides his true identity. The opening credits to the show are titled MORNING ROUTINE and it is through this routine that his true nature is revealed. Students need to focus upon extreme close ups, frame composition, the polysemic nature of the imagery, and how connotation is being shaped. How significant is the use of the colour red? Connotation?

    2. How is the advertising industry represented in this advertisement?

This advert follows the codes and conventions of a whiskey advertisement before transforming into a public information film that warns about the dangers of alcohol consumption. The advertising of alcohol is clearly criticised within this advertisement. The text begins with images of nature that represent alcohol as a natural ingredient, like spring water, and serves to bring the community together...before the shaky camera introduces a new equilibrium and presents a very different representation. We discussed the significance of the voiceover. Class discussion considered the fact that the advertising industry represents a dangerous and destructive drug in an attractive manner. It misrepresents the potential damage that can be caused by alcohol. AGAIN..refer to how media forms shape the REPRESENTATION...PREFERRED READING? CONNOTATION? NARRATIVE EQUILIBRIUM? FRAME COMPOSITION? SIGNIFICANCE OF THE SHAKY HAND-HELD CAMERA?

  3. How does the film promote the brand values of JOHN LEWIS?

Remember...a BRAND VALUE is the qualities linked to the institution. What can the consumer expect when buying products from this institution? Class discussion discussed the significance of the high production values of the advertisement, the fact that the film avoids any evidence of 'poverty' or economic struggle. There is a lack of food banks in this text but lots of imagery [remember....mise-en-scene codes refers to the meaning found through clothes, stage design, location etc] that suggests that the world presented by the advert is a comfortable middle-class world. How expensive is that bloody telescope?? Class discussion considered the significance of the use of text at the conclusion of the advertisement. 

  4. Why does this product appeal to such a wide audience?

Class discussion considered the broadcast remit of the BBC which is to INFORM, EDUCATE, AND ENTERTAIN. Class discussion considered the idea that this may be a programme that appeals to human issues, it offers content that is not too technical or academic. A large number of people are interested in the natural world. Discussion also considered the fact that this programme offers information relating to an isolated and inhospitable part of the planet that most people will never be able to experience. Therefore this unique content may engage a wide audience. Furthermore, students considered the beauty of the footage and the spectacular nature of the visual content. This is an extremely sophisticated visual representation of the world and the footage is unique. Reference was also made to the voice of David 'GOD' Attenborough and the fact this his voice is often associated with accessible and enjoyable media texts that present the natural world in an engaging manner. He is a quality brand!! CONNOTATION linked to his voice? Students also considered the fact that many people like to escape the ugly routine of their own lives by escaping into such a magnificent and visually stunning world.

HOMEWORK: Complete these questions for homework. On Monday we will begin some more creative work. We will turn E5 into a photographic studio and create some material that will eventually be used as promotional material for album covers, book covers, etc.... or any ideas that you may have etc.....Bring some props if you have any specific ideas.

Wednesday 18 November 2015

YEAR 12 LESSON 16/17 [12th/16th Nov 15]: Homework.

These two sessions involved discussion of the new John Lewis Xmas advertisement and the NHS anti-smoking advert from 2014. Click on links below to access resources.
Class discussion in both sessions was followed by a brief written response:
How is old age represented in the John Lewis advert?
How is smoking represented in this advert?

HOMEWORK: I told students to check the blog for further questions but I have changed my mind and will be providing a big lesson on Thursday that will be full of class discussion that will lead to a significant written homework. See you there young people.
All the resources below will be used in tomorrow's lesson. Give 'em a watch. Prepare for action.
Dexter Intro:
Swedish anti-drinking advert:
Mad Men opening credits:
Frozen Planet BBC promo:

We will also be discussing institutional responsibility in relation to the John Lewis advert.

YEAR 13 LESSON 16/17 [ 13th /17th Nov 15]: Homework.

Continuing with creative task.
HOMEWORK: Complete film. Get in the library.

Wednesday 11 November 2015

YEAR 12 LESSON FIFTEEN [9th Nov 15]: Homework

Today's session began with students explaining their personal representations. I thought the photography and the quality of the explanation was OUTSTANDING. Thanks to those students that bothered to complete the task. A couple of students still owe me images! And an explanation!!
The heart of the lesson revolved around the BBC News segment that reported the 2010 student demonstration that involved the Joint Sixth Form. Click on link below:
Class discussion moved into a 15 minute written response. The question being answered was:
How are the students of the J6th represented in this news segment?
After the written response the class considered the content of the new John Lewis Christmas advertisement and were asked the question: Is this beautiful or incredibly cynical?
Click on link below to access the advertisement:
OVER 11 MILLION views....Bejesus!

HOMEWORK: On Thursday we will continue to discuss the John Lewis advertisement and also discuss last year's Sainsbury's advertisement. Click on link to access resource:

YEAR 13 LESSON FIFTEEN [10th Nov 15]: Homework

This was our second creative session.
HOMEWORK: Work on the film. Get into the library and get creative!

Sunday 8 November 2015


YEAR 12 LESSON FOURTEEN [5th Nov 15]: Homework

This was a messy session as we had audio issues and a fire-alarm!! Students explained why their images represented their view of Beverley and the class discussed the representation of Beverley students in this BBC Look North segment: 
When we will continue to discuss the representation and this will become a written task.

HOMEWORK: Email me an image that represents who you are!! You will be explaining the connotation linked to the image when we begin our next session. ALL strudents need to complete this task...CAN YOU HEAR ME GEORGE??

YEAR 13 LESSON FOURTEEN [6th Nov 15]: Homework

Today's session was the first of our creative editing sessions. All the material is available on the Macs and the task is to produce a two minute film that encourages people to visit Hull and East Yorkshire.

HOMEWORK: Continue to review and edit material in the library. I expect students to be using independent study time to edit the film.

Wednesday 4 November 2015

YEAR 12 images of Beverley....

How are Beverley J6th students represented in this BBC News Report?
Why does your own image represent your perception of Beverley?

YEAR 13 LESSON THIRTEEN [3rd Nov 15]: Homework

This session discussed the nature of the creative task that we will begin in Friday's lesson. We examined the 2017 Hull City of Culture bif film and discussed the film created by the Dundee bid. The session moved on to discuss ideas for coursework and students were shown some work from last year.
Hull City of Culture 2017 bid film:
Dundee bid film:

HOMEWORK: Some students owe me homework. I expect it to be handed to me on Friday....Can you hear me Keira and Chloe????  Some students need to hand me the content of their filming. I need it before Friday as I want all content available to ALL students.

Monday 2 November 2015

YEAR 12 LESSON THIRTEEN [2nd Nov 15]: Homework

The aim of today's session was to revisit the critical skills that will be required for the exam. The main resource was the film that was created for Hull's 2017 City of Culture bid. Click on link to access resource:
Class discussion considered possible content for the homework task that was placed on the blog last week. Class discussion was excellent and most students decided that they would like to 'bin' their response to the homework and have some time to produce a more appropriate media response.

HOMEWORK: Complete the questions that link to the City of Culture film [see last blog entry]. Students also need to email me a jpeg that captures their own representation of the town of Beverley. Students will be expected to explain to the class why their single image captures their own mediated representation of Beverley. BE ORIGINAL. Try and avoid cliche. I need all jpegs before the lesson as I need to place your images on the blog.

Dundee 2017 City of Culture bid film:
Another Hull film created by Al Jones/Matt Stephenson. It is called FLOWERS...and it is beautiful:

Friday 23 October 2015

YEAR 12 LESSON ELEVEN/TWELVE [19th/22nd Oct 15]: Homework.

The Monday session was the final Adelphi promo session and the Thursday session began with students reviewing the films that had been created. Some of the work was fantastic and suggests that our group are a very creative bunch! WELL DONE FOLKS. I am very pleased with the quality of the work. KEEP IT UP.
The second half of the final session involved an analysis of The Daily Mail's front page the day after the death of Margaret Thatcher. See resource below:

The class then modelled an answer to the question:
This area of our work needs to improve. It is important that all students develop the ability to construct a precise and textually specific response that uses the language of media analysis in a relevant manner.

In the final session I suggested that I would place the homework on my blog...HERE IT IS!
I expect this written task to be completed and handed to me before we begin our first lesson after half-term. Click on link below to access the resource:

How is the city of Hull represented in this media text?
How are media forms used to shape meaning?
Who is the target audience?

YEAR 13 LESSON EIGHT/NINE [16th/20th October 15]: Homework

The final two sessions of the half-term continued to explore the question:
The success of this task depends upon INDEPENDENT STUDY and students indulging in research to gather appropriate content. This final section of each essay paragraph needs to consider the focus of the question and the CONCLUSION needs to be EVALUATIVE.
Below is a potential essay structure:

  • The first paragraph needs to consider how the BBC have adapted to the challenge of digital media. This is the UK's most traditional media institution and the BBC have used the potential and possibility of digital media to confront the requirements of their broadcasting remit and offer one of the globe's finest example of public service broadcasting. The BBC's brand is credible on a global scale. Students need to provide evidence of the BBC's awareness of how content can be accessed via laptop, I-Player, mobile phone, I-Pad etc. What is so innovative about this institution? How does the AUDIENCE benefit from the innovation of the PRODUCER. Reference needs to be made to how a specific BBC show uses media to access its audience. My example was IN OUR TIME...but I am very old! Research your own example from your own viewing habits. An understanding of how the BBC have successfully adapted to the demands of the digital market is absolutely central to A2 Media Studies. THIS IS A BIG PARAGRAPH. The paragraph needs to conclude with an overview of how the audience benefit from the BBC's digital innovation. How have they become a more effective public service broadcaster?
  • The second paragraph could explore RUPERT MURDOCH's THE DAILY and why the most powerful media figure in the analogue world is struggling to discover a business model that can be used in the digital world. Reference needs to be made to Murdoch's use of the PAYWALL for The Times/The Sunday Times/The Sun etc and why these PAYWALLS appear to be failing. Our class discussion made reference to the NEWS NOW aggregate site, The online Guardian site, and the online version of The Daily Mail. Students need to consider why PAYWALLS for The Financial Times/ Wall Street Journal and magazines like Private Eye, are succeeding, when Murdoch's newspapers do not seem to be thriving in the digital world. Reference could also be made to Murdoch's News of the World and its use of digital technology to access private information that inspired the closure of this newspaper and prison sentences for some of Murdoch's employees!!!
  • The third paragraph could explore issues linked to the music industry and how SHAWN FANNING'S NAPSTER site and the invention of Mp3 file sharing has nearly destroyed traditional media institutions such as EMI. The traditional music industry has been challenged by the world of digital media in a way that has revolutionised how the audience consumes music. SPOTIFY is a fine example of how a digital company is constantly searching for a successful business model. It has adapted its service on several occasions in an attempt to offer a sustainable economic streaming service. It could be considered that the digital revolution has fractured the traditional music industry but has actually empowered musicians. Students need to decide how they will approach this paragraph. Remember, the conclusion needs to be evaluative.
  • YOUR OWN PARAGRAPH....we discussed the fact that even new digital media institutions need to adapt to digital innovation. Reference was made to MySpace and the gatekeeping system of Wikipedia. Student research required.

HOMEWORK: Complete the essay and film content that can be used for the creative media task when we return to school. Lots of work to do folks.

Thursday 15 October 2015

YEAR 12 LESSON TEN [15th Oct 15]: Homework

Today was another creative session. THE MONDAY SESSION WILL BE OUR LAST SESSION. ALL films need to be complete before the end of Monday's session.

HOMEWORK: Those students who feel that one hour will not be enough time for the final section of editing need to work on their films to ensure that the work will be complete at some point in the Monday session.

Wednesday 14 October 2015

YEAR 13 LESSON SEVEN [13th October 15]: Homework

The first section of this lesson was a discussion to determine the nature of the first creative task. The class decided that the first creative task will be to create a promotional film that encourages European tourists to visit Hull and East Yorkshire. On Friday I will be handing video cameras to those students who do not have their own equipment. Students will have a week to capture as much footage as possible.

The second section of the lesson considered the question:
Discussion considered the nature of the BBC before considering Rupert Murdoch's THE DAILY and the concept of the paywall.

HOMEWORK: Independent study related to gathering possible content for the second Impact of Digital Media essay.

YEAR 13 LESSON FIVE/SIX [6th/9th October 15]: Homework

Lesson Five was the final lesson prep for the first essay of the year.
Homework was to complete the essay.

Lesson Six was an examination of the skills required for Section A of the examination. Students were asked to analyse the two texts used in last summer's exam and then consider the question:
Nexus 5 Smartphone advert:
Bluefish TV:

HOMEWORK: Complete the written task as a twenty minute timed rewsponse.

YEAR 12 LESSON 7/8/9 [5th/8th/12th Oct 15]: Homework

These sessions have been creative and practical sessions aimed at providing the students with the opportunity to use the editing technology.The task has been to produce a 60/90 second promotional film advertising the Hull Adelphi. Students have been using footage captured during last year's 30th Anniversary celebrations at this famous Hull music venue.

HOMEWORK: In the Monday session I asked students to complete this task before Thursday's session BUT I HAVE CHANGED MY MIND!! WE will complete this task in Thursday's lesson. I want to be available to provide technical and creative advice. Some of the work is fantastic. See you on Thursday.

Monday 5 October 2015

YEAR 13 LESSON FOUR [ 2nd Oct 15]: Homework

This lesson continued to prepare students for the first MEST3 Section B essay. Reference was made to the two resources below. The BBC Panorama documentary is a perfect text for this essay and illustrates a lot of the key media issues that we have been discussing in previous lessons.
Panorama.....Edward Snowden. SUPERB RESOURCE:
China and the 50 cent Army:

HOMEWORK: Continue to prep for the essay. Independent Study is at the heart of this task.
I encourage all students to digest the BBC documentary 'The Virtual Revolution'. It is a cracking resource.

Wednesday 30 September 2015

YEAR 12 LESSON SIX [1st Oct 15]: Homework

The lesson began with a brief reference to media theory and media influence. Students were introduced to:
The main aim of today's session was to investigate the role of the INSTITUTION when shaping REPRESENTATION and discuss the nature of MEDIATION. Class discussion considered how political bias can determine the content of a media text. Students were shown a clip from FOX NEWS that offers a representation of the UK city of Birmingham that can only be described as a work of fiction. This information is being presented as truth but is quite clearly an example of MISINFORMATION. The narrative seems to conform to the anti-Muslim narrative that is constantly presented by this US News Channel. THIS NEWS ORGANISATION IS OWNED BY RUPERT MURDOCH and reflects the views of the REPUBLICAN PARTY in the USA. The INSTITUTION of FOX NEWS reflects the political view of Rupert Murdoch.
Fox News.....Is this funny, pathetic or frightening? How does this relate to media theory/influence?

The class were then presented with two UK newspaper front pages published the day after the death of Margaret Thatcher.

Students were asked to identify how these two resources reflect INSTITUTIONAL BIAS and how the REPRESENTATIONS are constructed. Particular focus was placed upon the choice of photography and key words from the headline and sub-heading. Class discussion was SUPERB.

The final section of the lesson involved the analysis of two UK newspaper front pages that were published just before the last UK General Election. The question that students were asked to consider was:

HOMEWORK: I expect students to construct a written response to the question considered in the final phase of the lesson.

This question will need to follow the following structure:
  • The introduction will need to refer to the fact that all texts are mediated and are shaped by INSTITUTIONAL BIAS. Reference needs to be made to the fact that all media texts are subjective and that print newspapers are profit motivated products that are filled with REPRESENTATIONS that reflect the political bias of the INSTITUTION. I want to see students reflecting the idea that all media texts are subjective representations. If you can refer to the theory of BAUDRILLARD in an appropriate manner I will buy you a cake! Baudrillard stated that 'WE LIVE IN THE DESERTS OF THE REAL' because reality is difficult to view through so many mediated filters. Our world is so full of mediated representation that we exist in a state of HYPERREALITY!!! You don't have to refer to his theory...but if you do, and you refer to his theory in an eloquent and appropriate manner, I WILL BUY YOU CAKE OR A SUGARY TREAT OF YOUR OWN CHOOSING!
  • The next paragraph needs to offer an analysis of THE SUN front page and must examine how the subjective representation is being shaped and presented to the reader. Reference should be made to Preferred Reading, Connotation, Denotation, Frame Composition, Significance of the selected photograph, Key words from the headline/sub-heading etc. HOW IS THE VIEW OF THE INSTITUTION SHAPING THE REPRESENTATION? 
  • The next paragraph needs to repeat the analysis for the DAILY MIRROR front page. Obviously this is equally politically bias but this newspaper is sympathetic to the views of the Labour Party. How is the representation of Cameron being shaped and presented? Again, use the appropriate media language.
  • The conclusion needs to consider if these representations are harmless or have a more sinister purpose? Can they really influence opinion? Reference should be made to media theory. Do you think that newspapers should avoid this intense political bias? If so why?

Tuesday 29 September 2015

YEAR 13 LESSON THREE [29th Sept 15]: Homework

This lesson considered the incredible viral rise of Ronnie Pickering! City of Culture!? Oh yes! Students considered the media issues and debates that surround this social media moment. Below are a few Ronnie related digital moments that have appeared on social media:
Who are you?
Ronnie calls Liam:
The footage of this road rage incident in Hull has been seen all over the world. In two days the original footage has had over one million views. An American media company are currently negotiating to buy the original footage from the chap who suffered the verbal assault from Bransholme's most famous You Tube star. Makes you proud eh folks!?

The rest of the session considered content for the first Impact of Digital Media essay.

HOMEWORK: Continue to research possible content for the essay. The next lesson will be the last time that we shall discuss content and the essay will become a written homework.

YEAR 12 LESSON FIVE [28th Sept 15]: Homework

This session continued to develop student understanding of media forms. The first task was a consideration of how violence is represented in the KICK-ASS trailer. Click below for resource.

Then the lesson moved on to consider the key moments from the 'MEET THE SUPERHUMANS' advertisement. CLass discussion considered two questions:
  • How are media forms used to shape meaning?
  • How are Paralympians represented in this text?
One question was attempted in class and the other question needs completing for homework. Students need to read my exemplar material and use this material to shape an improved critical analysis. This first attempts at written work were superb. There is a mass of potential in this group.

HOMEWORK: Complete the question that you DID NOT attempt in the classroom.

Friday 25 September 2015

YEAR 13 LESSON TWO [25th Sept 15]: Homework

The aim of today's session was to prepare students for their first IMPACT OF DIGITAL MEDIA essay. The title of the first essay is:
'THE INTERNET AND WORLDWIDE WEB HAVE CREATED A MORE DEMOCRATIC WORLD.' To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Class discussion considered possible content. Students were introduced to the views of Andrew Keen and Clay Shirky and were asked to consider a whole host of issues that relate to the essay title. Below are resources used in today's discussion. When we meet next time we will shape content for this essay.

Thirty eight degrees:
The story of Martha Payne and Never Seconds:
BBC article relating to Martha's blog. This is an example of the power of social media:

Students need to be aware of the views of Andrew Keen and Clay Shirky.
Andrew Keen is not a big fan of user generated content. In 2010 Keen talked of 'the cult of the amateur' and accused the digital world of 'dumbing down our culture'. The web is full of 'worthless opinion...leading to mass ignorance..':

power of the mobile phone:
The sad case of Ian Tomlinson:

The Evening Standard reported the Police version of events as fact. Then the mobile phone footage appeared and the 'official' version of events was proved to be a lie. The mobile phone can provide protection against abuse of power.

Section A content from the summer A2 exam:
Nexus5 Smartphone advert:
Bluefish TV:

HOMEWORK: Students need to indulge in independent study to identify possible content for the first A2 essay. The resources below may help you develop content for the essay:
How Facebook changed the world...episode one. This resource will introduce students to the link between digital media and the Arab Spring:
The London Riots and digital media:
Internet censorship...a short overview...essential viewing:
KHAN attempt to provide free education resources on a global scale:

Thursday 24 September 2015

YEAR TWELVE LESSON FOUR [24th Sept 15]: Homework

This session introduced students to this year's coursework brief. Students modelled a response to the first homework question and then we attempted to consider how media forms are used to shape meaning in the brilliant 'MEET THE SUPERHUMANS' promo film. This promo was an examination text in 2013.
Click on link below to access resource:

HOMEWORK: Consider which specific moment from this text is the KEY MOMENT within this media text that allows the producer to shape meaning in the most powerful manner. We will begin the next session with each member of the class sharing their key moment and clearly explaining why they believe this moment to be so significant.

This is one of the most famous moments in the history of film. HOW ARE MEDIA FORMS USED TO SHAPE MEANING?
How is violence represented in this film trailer?

Monday 21 September 2015

YEAR THIRTEEN LESSON ONE [22nd Sept 15]: Homework


OWEN JONES and his YOU TUBE site:
Can this use of social media negate the influence of mainstream media?

BBC Newsnight Interview:
It is important that students are aware of 'controversial issues' linked to social media.
The Caroline Criado-Perez moment:
Stella Creasy:

Addicted to screens...Channel Four News:

MI5 demand more cyber power:

A2 Media will demand that you are aware of all the contemporary media debates and issues.

Episode One...this is the first ten minute segment:

HOMEWORK: Enjoy being alive but be aware of all media stories that appear within the UK media. WATCH THE VIRTUAL REVOLUTION's OPENING EPISODE.

YEAR 12 LESSON THREE [21st Sept 15]: Homework

The aim of today's session was to encourage students to use media language in an appropriate manner when constructing a media analysis. Students were asked to discuss the representation being offered by my Humber Street Sesh 15 film and the representation of the sea in the opening section of the 1974 film JAWS! Particular focus was placed on diegetic and non-diegetic sound, frame composition and style of editing.
HSS 15 resource:
Opening scene of JAWS...representation of the sea?

The lesson then moved on to consider the focus of the homework. Class discussion attempted to produce possible content for the Barnardo's questions. I expect students to produce a written response to the first two questions. If you are feeling confident, attempt the third question!

HOMEWORK: Produce a written response to the Barnardo's task.
Click on link below to access the media text:
There are four 'new' students who do not need to attempt this homework.