Monday 24 December 2012

YEAR 13 LESSON FIFTEEN [19th Dec 12]: Homework.

The whole of this session considered the question:
The notes below relate to class discussion but also provide a potential essay structure.
The session began with a consideration of theory and the fact that regulation suggests that the media is considered by various UK governments [the agencies responsible for dictating regulatory power] to be influential. This could be related to Marxist Theory and Reception Theory may be used to explore the idea that regulation can be problematic. Essays need to refer to 'examples' of media influence. See my violence essay.

The second section of the essay needs to examine how difficult it is to regulate effectively. Reference was made to the Barnardos/Women's Aid campaigns. Independent research will be required if students are to construct a precise argument. Why was the Women's Aid advert banned by Clearcast? What was the result? Why did the ASA refuse to regulate the 'Break The Cycle' campaign? What does this tell us about the difficulty of media regulation? Reference could be made to the film The Life Of Brian.

The next phase of the essay could explore advertising and link this to the objectification of women. Reference could be made to a whole series of banned advertisements. We discussed Lynx/Dove/Reebok Easytone/ RyanAir. Why should these images be regulated? We clearly have an issue in this country with violence towards women. Could the advertising industry be contributing to the negative representation of women? The Sun's Page 3? Students might want to refer to the concept of HEGEMONY. Students might want to peruse the links below:                                                         

The next potential paragraph of the regulation essay could explore the moral responsibility of the media and the significance of THE LEVESON INQUIRY. Reference was made within class discussion to Hillsbrough, Ian Tomlinson, The News of The World and the phone hacking scandal, The treatment of the McCann family, Christopher Jeffries...on and on...the question I asked you lot was: To what extent should a newspaper offer a sense of moral responsibility? What does the Leveson report tell us about the state of British newspapers? Why is the PCC considered by Ed Milliband to be a 'toothless poodle'? Do you agree that the British press will lose its freedom if Leveson's ideas are embraced? Will regulation result in censorship? What are the arguments AGAINST implementing Leveson's new model of regulation? Should a law be introduced to protect the public from the press? Would you, unlike David Cameron, implement Leveson's regulation model? Students need to consider what the enquiry tells us about the British media and its relationship with politicians, the police and the public. Should British newpapers be trusted to regulate themselves? What happened in Denmark when they embraced Leveson's model? Click on links below for resources:

The final section should explore the regulation of the internet. Class discussion was excellent so refer to your notes. How can you regulate the content of the internet? Reference must be made to SOPA and the Communications Data Bill. Can the internet ever be subject to regulation? Independent study required. Examples?

The conclusion needs to be concise and personal. I want the final section of this essay to offer a strong, informed and considered personal opinion. Answer the essay title directly. Don't repeat yourself.

HOMEWORK: Complete the essay. I expect the essay at the beginning of our second session in the New Year. I expect the essay to offer clear evidence of independent research and critical autonomy.

Monday 17 December 2012

YEAR 12 LESSON FOURTEEN [17th Dec 12]: Homework

The whole of the session was aimed at developing student awareness of the demands of THE CROSS-MEDIA STUDY. Students were asked to consider the content of the e-media used to promote RESTREPO, PROJECT NIM, and EXIT THROUGH THE GIFT SHOP and consider how the content of these sites could be used to answer the question:
The class were then asked to consider how the producer may benefit from this digital marketing.
The lesson moved into a consideration of how to define HYBRID-Documentary and the class watched a segment of Channel Four's THE SECRET MILLIONAIRE. This was the Martin Stamp episode located in Hull.
The class were asked to consider how media forms shape meaning in the Project Nim Trailer and were shown a segment from MAN ON WIRE. The same director created Project Nim and Man On Wire and the success and credible reputation of MOW is used to promote Project Nim.
Project Nim trailer:

HOMEWORK: Students are not expected to produce a written homework BUT I do expect students to conduct research that will inform the response to THE CROSS-MEDIA STUDY. Below is a link to ALL the e-media that will provide the foundation of the material for Section B of the exam. Click on link:
Have a fine break media freaks. Be Merry. Drink Sherry. Smack Terry.

Last year I made a CROSS-MEDIA podcast to be used as a revision tool for Year 12. We are not using the same texts, we are looking at Project Nim rather than Man On Wire, but this podcast will offer students an idea of what is expected from the Cross-Media Study and provides some essential contextual information relating to Documentary and Hybrid-Documentary. This podcast also documents my search for the Beverley Westwood Elk and deals with the condition known as the Jazz Trance. Enjoy:  
I also created this revision podcast in 2011 to explore issues relating to Section A of the exam:

Tuesday 11 December 2012

YEAR 13 LESSON FOURTEEN [12th Dec 12]: Homework.

Students watched the creative work that was produced as a 'dry run' for the linked production requirement of the coursework. There were problems with the narratives constructed within this work and it is important that students, when producing a critical documentary, consider the nature of the questions being offered to the subjects being interviewed. The questions must allow the students to construct a coherent and relevant critical narrative that explores a key media debate or issue. Films must also offer a critical conclusion that is determined by the content of the film. Technically the work was excellent. Students are clearly aware of the capability of the technology. Framing, filming, and editing were all impressive BUT we do need to learn from the narrative issues visible within all three films.

The heart of the lesson was a consideration of MEDIA REGULATION. Class discussion explored the conclusion of The Leveson Inquiry, issues relating to the regulation of advertising, the purpose of media regulation, regulation of print media, and the difficulty of regulating the digital world. How will any country ever be able to regulate the internet?
Below are a series of resources used to illustrate key points:

Regulation of advertising:
Ice Cream:
Film regulation
Life of Brian...banned in Ireland and Norway:
Internet censorship????
BBC News:
Racist Tweet:
The Leveson Inquiry...THE AFTERMATH...:
Link to the British Board of Film Classification website. This is a fantastic resource and would advise all students to peruse this incredibly informative site:
BBFC Archive. Some great Case Studies here:
Link to BBFC education section:

HOMEWORK: Students need to prepare for a discussion that will confront the question:
Students need to attend the lesson next Wednesday armed with independent research that will provoke a fine debate!!
Toodle Pip.

Monday 10 December 2012

YEAR 12 LESSON THIRTEEN [10th Dec 12]: Homework.

Students were asked to analyse two postcards that represent the city of Hull. Students were encouraged to consider the nature of the institution that would mediate such texts and discuss how meaning is shaped within each text. The focus of this task was to encourage students to use more media language when producing a critical response and offer specific textual reference when attempting to support opinion. Class response was excellent. The class discussion generated a series of notes that filled the white board and then students produced a 15 minute written response to the question:
How is the city of Hull represented?
Students were given the freedom to write about the postcard which they believed would allow them to produce the most media appropriate response.

The second session involved students discussing how media forms are used to shape meaning in the EXIT THROUGH THE GIFT SHOP TRAILER. Click on link below to access text: 
Again, the focus of this task was to develop the ability of students to use appropriate critical media language when attempting to generate a critical response. Again, class response was excellent.
Some extra notes will be available to download asap. Keep checking the blog.

The aim of this task is for students to construct a one/two paragraph response that uses media language appropriately and provides a detailed analysis that is supported with specific textual reference. THIS IS THE AREA OF OUR WORK THAT NEEDS TO IMPROVE.

Students also need to examine the E-Media used to promote the following texts. This research will provide the focus for our next session and is essential for our CROSS-MEDIA STUDY.
Film Documentary:
Project Nim:
Exit TTGS:
E-Media for Documentary Filmmakers:
Nick Broomfield:
Michael Moore:
E-Media for Television Documentary:
BBC Wonders Of The Universe:
Louis Theroux:
Hybrid Documentary:
Channel Four Documentary Site....
The Secret Millionaire:

The Cross-Media Study will expect students to answer questions such as:
Is the media dumbing down? Refer to the media products in your case study.
Has new technology enhanced audience engagement and activity?
Who benefits more from new digital media, the audience or producer?
'To be successful, media institutions have to use a variety of media platforms.' To what extent is this true of your cross-media study?


Toodle Pip.

Year 13 LESSON THIRTEEN [5th Dec 12]: Homework.

Students continued to edit their 'linked production' pieces. It became apparent that some of the narratives are a little 'loose'. Next session I will be pressing the play button and we will be examining the success of each project. The conclusion needs to be convincing. There is a lot of work to be done here.

HOMEWORK: Continue to follow news relating to the Leveson Inquiry and the regulation of the media as this will be the focus of the next session. Feel free to work on your productions during independent study. GO ON....I DARE YOU......a decent film needs love, care and time.

Sunday 2 December 2012

YEAR 12 LESSON TWELVE [3rd Dec 12]: Homework.

I threw a lot of content into the media pot today media freaks and you were extremely patient.
The sermon began with a consideration of media theory and how the theories of Dyer, Berger and Reception Theory could be applied to the John Lewis Advert. Students were asked to apply media theory to the text below: 
Class discussion considered the Year 12 coursework briefs and the film below was shown as an example of broadcast media appropriate for Brief Three:
Chimpnimsky then heaved the discussion towards a consideration of Narrative Theory and reference was made to Todorov, Barthes and Levis-Strauss. Students need to develop the ability to identify how narratives are shaped and reference to binary opposites, disequilibrium, action codes and enigma codes is expected within critical writing. Students were asked to discuss how narrative theory could be applied to the EXIT THROUGH THE GIFT SHOP trailer before being asked to consider how media forms are used to shape meaning in the same trailer:

Here are some resources that relate to the history of documentary. Click on links to access the Lumiere Brothers and Andy Warhol:

The final section of the lesson considered the CROSS-MEDIA STUDY which relates to Section B of the examination. Our Cross-Media Study will deal with Documentary and Hybrid Documentary and the first two texts that we will be using to explore this area of the course will be the film documentary EXIT THROUGH THE GIFT SHOP and Channel Four's hybrid documentary THE SECRET MILLIONAIRE. The aim of the Cross-Media Study is to develop student understanding of how audiences consume, participate and respond to documentaries and their coverage and understand how producers use digital media to create and promote work.
Students were asked to consider how ETTGS uses e-media to promote the film and what e-media offers an independent filmmaker.

HOMEWORK: Complete the John Lewis theory question: What pleasure does this media text offer its audience? Reference MUST be made to Dyer, Reception Theory and Berger. SHOW ME YOU CAN APPLY MEDIA THEORY.
Students need to peruse the e-media used to promote EXIT TTGS and THE SECRET MILLIONAIRE. We will be discussing these sites in the next session.Click on links below to access BOTH SITES:
Students need to watch Exit Through The Gift Shop. Here is the link to the first YOU TUBE segment. Navigate through the film from here:
Students also need to consider the meaning being shaped by the postcards I gave you at the end of the lesson. We will be discussing these representations next week.