Wednesday 30 September 2015

YEAR 12 LESSON SIX [1st Oct 15]: Homework

The lesson began with a brief reference to media theory and media influence. Students were introduced to:
The main aim of today's session was to investigate the role of the INSTITUTION when shaping REPRESENTATION and discuss the nature of MEDIATION. Class discussion considered how political bias can determine the content of a media text. Students were shown a clip from FOX NEWS that offers a representation of the UK city of Birmingham that can only be described as a work of fiction. This information is being presented as truth but is quite clearly an example of MISINFORMATION. The narrative seems to conform to the anti-Muslim narrative that is constantly presented by this US News Channel. THIS NEWS ORGANISATION IS OWNED BY RUPERT MURDOCH and reflects the views of the REPUBLICAN PARTY in the USA. The INSTITUTION of FOX NEWS reflects the political view of Rupert Murdoch.
Fox News.....Is this funny, pathetic or frightening? How does this relate to media theory/influence?

The class were then presented with two UK newspaper front pages published the day after the death of Margaret Thatcher.

Students were asked to identify how these two resources reflect INSTITUTIONAL BIAS and how the REPRESENTATIONS are constructed. Particular focus was placed upon the choice of photography and key words from the headline and sub-heading. Class discussion was SUPERB.

The final section of the lesson involved the analysis of two UK newspaper front pages that were published just before the last UK General Election. The question that students were asked to consider was:

HOMEWORK: I expect students to construct a written response to the question considered in the final phase of the lesson.

This question will need to follow the following structure:
  • The introduction will need to refer to the fact that all texts are mediated and are shaped by INSTITUTIONAL BIAS. Reference needs to be made to the fact that all media texts are subjective and that print newspapers are profit motivated products that are filled with REPRESENTATIONS that reflect the political bias of the INSTITUTION. I want to see students reflecting the idea that all media texts are subjective representations. If you can refer to the theory of BAUDRILLARD in an appropriate manner I will buy you a cake! Baudrillard stated that 'WE LIVE IN THE DESERTS OF THE REAL' because reality is difficult to view through so many mediated filters. Our world is so full of mediated representation that we exist in a state of HYPERREALITY!!! You don't have to refer to his theory...but if you do, and you refer to his theory in an eloquent and appropriate manner, I WILL BUY YOU CAKE OR A SUGARY TREAT OF YOUR OWN CHOOSING!
  • The next paragraph needs to offer an analysis of THE SUN front page and must examine how the subjective representation is being shaped and presented to the reader. Reference should be made to Preferred Reading, Connotation, Denotation, Frame Composition, Significance of the selected photograph, Key words from the headline/sub-heading etc. HOW IS THE VIEW OF THE INSTITUTION SHAPING THE REPRESENTATION? 
  • The next paragraph needs to repeat the analysis for the DAILY MIRROR front page. Obviously this is equally politically bias but this newspaper is sympathetic to the views of the Labour Party. How is the representation of Cameron being shaped and presented? Again, use the appropriate media language.
  • The conclusion needs to consider if these representations are harmless or have a more sinister purpose? Can they really influence opinion? Reference should be made to media theory. Do you think that newspapers should avoid this intense political bias? If so why?

Tuesday 29 September 2015

YEAR 13 LESSON THREE [29th Sept 15]: Homework

This lesson considered the incredible viral rise of Ronnie Pickering! City of Culture!? Oh yes! Students considered the media issues and debates that surround this social media moment. Below are a few Ronnie related digital moments that have appeared on social media:
Who are you?
Ronnie calls Liam:
The footage of this road rage incident in Hull has been seen all over the world. In two days the original footage has had over one million views. An American media company are currently negotiating to buy the original footage from the chap who suffered the verbal assault from Bransholme's most famous You Tube star. Makes you proud eh folks!?

The rest of the session considered content for the first Impact of Digital Media essay.

HOMEWORK: Continue to research possible content for the essay. The next lesson will be the last time that we shall discuss content and the essay will become a written homework.

YEAR 12 LESSON FIVE [28th Sept 15]: Homework

This session continued to develop student understanding of media forms. The first task was a consideration of how violence is represented in the KICK-ASS trailer. Click below for resource.

Then the lesson moved on to consider the key moments from the 'MEET THE SUPERHUMANS' advertisement. CLass discussion considered two questions:
  • How are media forms used to shape meaning?
  • How are Paralympians represented in this text?
One question was attempted in class and the other question needs completing for homework. Students need to read my exemplar material and use this material to shape an improved critical analysis. This first attempts at written work were superb. There is a mass of potential in this group.

HOMEWORK: Complete the question that you DID NOT attempt in the classroom.

Friday 25 September 2015

YEAR 13 LESSON TWO [25th Sept 15]: Homework

The aim of today's session was to prepare students for their first IMPACT OF DIGITAL MEDIA essay. The title of the first essay is:
'THE INTERNET AND WORLDWIDE WEB HAVE CREATED A MORE DEMOCRATIC WORLD.' To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Class discussion considered possible content. Students were introduced to the views of Andrew Keen and Clay Shirky and were asked to consider a whole host of issues that relate to the essay title. Below are resources used in today's discussion. When we meet next time we will shape content for this essay.

Thirty eight degrees:
The story of Martha Payne and Never Seconds:
BBC article relating to Martha's blog. This is an example of the power of social media:

Students need to be aware of the views of Andrew Keen and Clay Shirky.
Andrew Keen is not a big fan of user generated content. In 2010 Keen talked of 'the cult of the amateur' and accused the digital world of 'dumbing down our culture'. The web is full of 'worthless opinion...leading to mass ignorance..':

power of the mobile phone:
The sad case of Ian Tomlinson:

The Evening Standard reported the Police version of events as fact. Then the mobile phone footage appeared and the 'official' version of events was proved to be a lie. The mobile phone can provide protection against abuse of power.

Section A content from the summer A2 exam:
Nexus5 Smartphone advert:
Bluefish TV:

HOMEWORK: Students need to indulge in independent study to identify possible content for the first A2 essay. The resources below may help you develop content for the essay:
How Facebook changed the world...episode one. This resource will introduce students to the link between digital media and the Arab Spring:
The London Riots and digital media:
Internet censorship...a short overview...essential viewing:
KHAN attempt to provide free education resources on a global scale:

Thursday 24 September 2015

YEAR TWELVE LESSON FOUR [24th Sept 15]: Homework

This session introduced students to this year's coursework brief. Students modelled a response to the first homework question and then we attempted to consider how media forms are used to shape meaning in the brilliant 'MEET THE SUPERHUMANS' promo film. This promo was an examination text in 2013.
Click on link below to access resource:

HOMEWORK: Consider which specific moment from this text is the KEY MOMENT within this media text that allows the producer to shape meaning in the most powerful manner. We will begin the next session with each member of the class sharing their key moment and clearly explaining why they believe this moment to be so significant.

This is one of the most famous moments in the history of film. HOW ARE MEDIA FORMS USED TO SHAPE MEANING?
How is violence represented in this film trailer?

Monday 21 September 2015

YEAR THIRTEEN LESSON ONE [22nd Sept 15]: Homework


OWEN JONES and his YOU TUBE site:
Can this use of social media negate the influence of mainstream media?

BBC Newsnight Interview:
It is important that students are aware of 'controversial issues' linked to social media.
The Caroline Criado-Perez moment:
Stella Creasy:

Addicted to screens...Channel Four News:

MI5 demand more cyber power:

A2 Media will demand that you are aware of all the contemporary media debates and issues.

Episode One...this is the first ten minute segment:

HOMEWORK: Enjoy being alive but be aware of all media stories that appear within the UK media. WATCH THE VIRTUAL REVOLUTION's OPENING EPISODE.

YEAR 12 LESSON THREE [21st Sept 15]: Homework

The aim of today's session was to encourage students to use media language in an appropriate manner when constructing a media analysis. Students were asked to discuss the representation being offered by my Humber Street Sesh 15 film and the representation of the sea in the opening section of the 1974 film JAWS! Particular focus was placed on diegetic and non-diegetic sound, frame composition and style of editing.
HSS 15 resource:
Opening scene of JAWS...representation of the sea?

The lesson then moved on to consider the focus of the homework. Class discussion attempted to produce possible content for the Barnardo's questions. I expect students to produce a written response to the first two questions. If you are feeling confident, attempt the third question!

HOMEWORK: Produce a written response to the Barnardo's task.
Click on link below to access the media text:
There are four 'new' students who do not need to attempt this homework.

Friday 18 September 2015

YEAR 12 LESSON TWO [17th Sept 15]: Homework

This second session raised the intellectual temperature and introduced students to the terminology of media criticism. The key media concept discussed within this lesson was CONNOTATION. Students were asked to identify the CONNOTATION being presented by these two advertisements:

Students received a series of resources that introduced media language such as frame composition, disequilibrium, diegetic sound, non-diegetic sound, enigma codes, point of view shot, denotation, connotation.....

The class were then asked to consider how meaning is being shaped in this powerful BARNARDO'S advert from 2009:

At the beginning of the next session, class discussion will consider possible content for the following questions:
1. How are media forms used to shape meaning?
2. How does this media text represent the experience of childhood?
3. How does content link to institution?
4. Who is the target audience?

HOMEWORK: I expect students to consider how they will answer the four questions that link to the Barnardo's campaign film. I expect the class discussion on Monday afternoon to contain lots of media language. This is a thinking homework. Do not produce any writing.


Monday 14 September 2015

YEAR 12 LESSON ONE [14th Sept 15]: Homework

The opening session was a very gentle introduction to the world of AS Media Studies. The main focus of this session was a discussion that considered THE SUBJECTIVE NATURE of media and the fact that all media is MEDIATED. Students were introduced to the idea that ALL media is bias and REPRESENTATION is shaped by the views of the INSTITUTION. For example the reaction of the mainstream media to the election of Jeremy Corbyn as leader of The Labour Party emphasises the political bias of the British Media. The Sun's representation of Corbyn is shaped by the fact that this newspaper supports the Conservative Party rather than the Labour Party. The Daily Mirror front page offers a much more sympathetic and less dramatic representation of Corbyn as this newspaper is sympathetic to the ideology of the Labour Party.

The class were asked to consider how this text REPRESENTS teenagers:
The class were also asked to consider MEDIA FORMS...that is the content being shaped? How significant is the soundtrack?How significant is the editing?

The class were also asked to consider how and why these two postcards represent HULL:

Is the film below a positive or negative representation of THE HUMBER STREET SESH?

The idea that ALL media is SUBJECTIVE was at the heart of this opening lesson.

HOMEWORK: Enjoy being alive.