Friday, 30 December 2011

CLAY SHIRKY TED LECTURE: How social media can make history.

Click on link to access a Clay Shirky lecture that explores the revolutionary nature of social is only 15 minutes!! This is a 2009 lecture but still relevant. Click on link:

SIGNIFICANCE OF TWITTER: Documentary and articles.

BBC article that explores how Twitter has transformed how newsrooms gather and publish information:

Click on link to access first segment of a decent Twitter Documentary:

CNN article..5 ways Twitter has changed how we communicate:

Another article that relates to influence of Twitter:

Stephen Fry and the joy of twitter:

Sunday, 25 December 2011


I know that a few of Year 13 will be exploring issues relating to Facebook when producing coursework. Here is a brilliant BBC documentary that deals with the Arab Spring and the use of social media as a tool to access democratic freedom and fight political oppression. THIS IS A 'MUST WATCH' RESOURCE. The two one hour segments of the documentary are available via the links below:

Year 12 should also be aware of the issues that relate to Facebook.

Friday, 16 December 2011

YEAR 13 LESSON FOURTEEN [16th Dec 11]: Homework.

Students discussed issues relating to the impact of digital media and launched into a media quiz that ended with MB and PH questioning the nature of student marking. THE GLORIOUS BUN OF WISDOM was thoroughly deserved and I totally understand why the banana received a harsh rejection.



Tuesday, 13 December 2011

YEAR 12 LESSON THIRTEEN [13th Dec 11]: Homework.

Today's session was a creative session. Students were placed into two groups to create material that can be used for a horror film trailer suitable for Brief One. When we return after the Winter Festival we will construct film trailers and students will compose their own original soundtracks.

The aim of today's session was to make students aware of how difficult it is to sit on the 'other side' of the camera and also to develop the creative skills that will be required when constructing coursework. It was also valuable for students to be aware of lighting issues, how to record decent audio, and how to compose a decent frame.

Click on link below to access a trailer constructed using the material from this afternoon's session. This is a 58 second teaser trailer with a soundtrack that was composed after the lesson:

HOMEWORK: All students will be expected to begin constructing coursework when we return in January. The break should be used to storyboard and gather research and pre-production material. This has been a decent term but it is clear that we need to improve the quality of the written work. ALL students need to be aware that the quality of written media analysis needs to improve. This will be our major focus when we return in January.

Students also need to familiarise themselves with the texts that link to the cross-media study.

Have a great break media freaks....but beware isolated country cottages!!


Saturday, 10 December 2011

YEAR 13 LESSON THIRTEEN [9th Dec 11]: Homework.

Students discussed the nature of their creative work that was completed last week. The class decided that the most effective trailer was the work created by HMc and AD. The editing is dynamic, the use of colour is vibrant, the information offered within the trailer is relevant and appropriate for target audience, and the choice of soundtrack is inspired. All the trailers are impressive but class opinion viewed this text as the most sophisticated, informative and engaging. Click on link below to access this impressive media text:

The session moved on to discuss issues relating to Section B of MEST 3 and the impact of digital media. A question from last year's exam paper was the focus of class discussion:

The world first heard about the death of Michael Jackson from the online gossip website TMZ.

This question asks students to offer an understanding of how new technology has created digital platforms for sharing information and examples of how these new platforms have changed the information landscape. A brief essay structure may look like this:
  • Refer to You Tube, Twitter, Facebook, Citizen journalism and blog culture and how the digital revolution has provided a whole series of platforms that allow institutions and individuals to offer and receive information.
  • The next paragraph could focus upon the implications of these new media platforms. For example students could refer to Facebook/You Tube/Twitter and how these platforms were used in Iran in 2009 and Egypt in 2011. The Egyptian government removed national internet access in an attempt to control information. This illustrates the power of the internet to spread information and how governments are aware of its ability to offer information that challenges their authority. Brief reference could be made here to China and the 50 cent army, the great firewall and the green dam project. The existence of Wikileaks might also be a consideration. Wikileaks has challenged the authority of governments. This could link to Ian Tomlinson and the mobile phone and You Tube being used as a tool to challenge the big institutions that control our society. The individual can now challenge representations offered by mainstream media institutions AND ALSO the most powerful institutions in our society. This whole paragraph could explore the area of MEDIA AND DEMOCRACY and the power of the individual in a digital world.
  • The next paragraph could explore how mainstream news is being challenged by digital media and refer to the Audience/Producer debate. Students could make brief reference to the music industry before moving back to media and democracy issues. Fox news? The Love Police? The Young Turks? Students could refer to Liberal Pluralism at this point and the idea that more choice restricts the ability of the media to influence its audience. This could link to how news platforms such as AlJazeera/Russia Today etc are available and accessible via You Tube and Freeview and that digital media has challenged the representations offered by European news media.
  • The final paragraph could explore digital issues relating to the London Riots which is a perfect example of how digital media can be used in a negative and positive manner. Students could conclude with the idea that the internet and digital media reflects the duality of human personality. New digital media can be used in both a negative and positive manner depending upon the motivation of the individual/institution/government.
This is only ONE possible approach to this essay. Here is a download that offers an alternative essay structure. Click on link below:
Students might want to consider how the two resources below could be used within this essay. Both relate to the audience/producer debate:

HOMEWORK: Complete the essay.

Students should watch these resources as they will be the focus of our next session.
Click on link to access the rejected WWF advertisement:
Click on link to access the John Lewis Xmas advert:
Click on link to access Creepy John Lewis parody:
Click on link to access Cancer Research advert from 2011:
Here is the viral Volkswagen campaign that refers to FUN THEORY. This is a very clever slice of advertising. This viral campaign was used to introduce the idea that the consumer should change their consumer habits and buy more 'green' Volkswagen cars. Fun Theory is not an academic theory....but perhaps it should be! is the Paxman/Brand interview that deals with celebrity culture:

Next week we will be exploring how media forms are used to create meaning and how the John Lewis/Cancer Awareness advertisements represent The Family.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

YEAR 12 LESSON TWELVE [6th DEC 11]: Homework.

Students suffered tales of loud and frightening African baboons, ravens appearing in bedrooms, knee-jerk mimes, tales of garden-creeping along Hull's Pickering Road and a celebration of fine furry winter hats. Inbetween these tales, an AS Level Media lesson occasionally appeared.

Students were offered exemplar coursework material with the aim of providing an idea of the quality that is expected when constructing the print media and written evaluation. Students should also be examining the fishymedia vimeo site to view previous student work. It is hoped that this year's AS broadcast media will be equally impressive.

Students were shown the films of the Lumiere Brothers, commonly considered to be the first examples of film. A few flippant comments relating to the quality of the images were challenged by ChimpNimsky as students were reminded of how self-conscious they were when filming and that perhaps placing a camera the size of a large horse outside the gates of a factory in 1895 was quite a brave act. I challenge any of you lot to stand in a public place and create a film that will be of historical interest 100 years after you press the record button. GO ON! I DARE YOU!! These films are the beginning of documentary and relate to the cross-media study. Click on link below to access both films:
The lesson moved on to consider the trailer created to market Banksy's documentary EXIT THROUGH THE GIFT SHOP and considered the question: HOW IS THE TRAILER CONSTRUCTED TO ENGAGE THE AUDIENCE? The aim of this task was to inspire students to consider media forms and how media forms are used to construct an engaging trailer. Class discussion was superb. Click on link below to access the trailer:

The final section of the lesson examined the media forms used to construct the film poster for MAN ON WIRE which moved into a consideration of e-media and what e-media offers when advertising a film. Again, class discussion was relevant and intelligent.

Homework: Produce a one page A4 response to the question considered when analysing the Exit Through The Gift Shop trailer: HOW IS THE TRAILER CONSTRUCTED TO ENGAGE THE AUDIENCE?
Students were provided with a media forms guidance sheet that should help in the construction of a clear, precise and detailed media analysis. Students need to use media language appropriately and refer to media forms in a convincing and precise manner. The written work needs to improve and this is a fine opportunity for students to apply their understanding of media forms in a sophisticated and convincing manner.

Students also need to read the documentary notes provided and examine all the material that was handed to them in today's media carnival of horror.

Students are also encouraged to view the e-media that links to Banksy's film.
Click on link below to access e-media:
Click on link below to access Man On Wire e-media:
Click on link below to access Channel Four Documentary e-media:
The Secret Millionaire e-media:
Educating Essex e-media:

Students are advised to peruse these sites to gain an understanding of how e-media can be used to help market a media text. Lots to do kids. You lot were fantastic today. KEEP IT UP.

Sunday, 4 December 2011

SLIDE-SHOW FILM TECHNIQUE: Possible approach to coursework.

This film was created using over one thousand still images. It is a technique that students may use within their own broadcast media.
Click on link below to access film:

YEAR 13 LESSON TWELVE [2nd Dec 11]: Homework.

This was a film editing session. Students completed the task of creating a trailer that advertises 'A Level Media Studies' to a Year 11 audience. The quality of the work is impressive. If students reflect this quality in their individual coursework, students will be very happy when they receive their results in August. Fine work. Well done.

Click on link below to view three of the trailers: