The last four sessions of the course were all very intense revision lessons aimed directly at MEST 3 Section A and B. Past questions from the exam paper were used as the focus of these sessions. Students also produced a Case Study that could be used to answer the Impact of Digital Media section of the exam paper. These final sessions aimed to make the students aware that they need to be able to:
- Provide evidence of media institutions that have embraced digital media and institutions that have struggled to adapt to the digital age. Students were encouraged to develop an awareness of how THE BBC have successfully adapted to the demands of the digital world and contrast the BBC with Rupert Murdoch's 'THE DAILY' and his attempts to create PAYWALLS. Students also need to be aware that even digital media institutions need to constantly innovate within the digital world. MYSPACE is a fine example of how quickly the digital world can change and SPOTIFY is a wonderful example of a company constantly changing the digital shape of its business model to suit the needs of the audience and music producer.
- Provide examples of how the digital world has challenged the dominant representations of the mainstream media. This is a key media issue and debate.
- Provide examples of how the audience has been empowered by digital media. Students need to refer to the music industry, the publishing industry, education etc.
- Provide examples of media and democracy. Has digital media made our world a more democratic world? Students should be able to answer this question.
SO...THIS IS THE END MY MEDIA FRIENDS. GOOD LUCK to you all. It has been a privilege to teach such a fine bunch of teenage freaks.