The media sermon began with a consideration of coursework and exposure to the 'viral trailer' from the first series of Channel Four's MISFITS. Click on link below to access resource:
Class discussion considered how this text offers information relating to location, genre, character and narrative theme within 40 seconds. Students considered the significance of dialogue, choice of soundtrack, and how editing style shapes meaning.
The next phase of the lesson was a consideration of THE CROSS-MEDIA STUDY. The first essay was most encouraging but students do need to produce a much more precise QUESTION FOCUS. The key word in the title was EVALUATE and most students ignored the fact that the essay was asking students to offer an evaluative argument. SEE MY EXEMPLAR ESSAY. Note how the essay offers a very clear question focus. Student knowledge of the CASE STUDY area is excellent BUT the question focus was an issue. Students also need to support opinion with specific textual reference.
The focus of today's session was the JANUARY 2011 Cross-Media Study question:
Class discussion shaped an essay structure and below is an example of a potential essay structure:
- The first paragraph needs to refer to print media and students need to offer the opinion that the posters advertising Project Nim [or Restrepo] do not offer the audience the opportunity to represents opinion or ideas. The aim of this platform is to entice the viewer. Reference needs to be made to the fact that the film poster offers information relating to genre and audience but remains polysemic. The aim is to push the viewer towards the e-media to gain more information about the content of the text. There is synergy between film poster and e-media. STUDENTS NEED TO DECIDE WHICH TEXT ALLOWS THEM TO OFFER THE MOST CONVINCING ARGUMENT.
- It is the e-media that offers the audience the opportunity to represent opinion/ideas. The RESTREPO e-media is a wonderful example of how e-media offers the audience social media to voice their opinion of the film. Obviously this could be perceived as a cynical marketing device as this site could be mediated to shape a positive representation of the film.
- OBVIOUSLY the most innovative use of e-media is linked to Channel Four's hybrid-documentary THE SECRET MILLIONAIRE. Reference must be made to the fact that the aim of the broadcast media is to inspire the audience and encourage them to visit the e-media. The e-media offers the audience the ability to share opinion but, most importantly, become actively involved in helping their own community or receiving assistance from charity/voluntary organisations. BE SPECIFIC. WHAT DOES THIS E-MEDIA OFFER THE AUDIENCE? Reference must be made to one other Channel Four hybrid-documentary and how e-media allows the audience to express opinion. This reference might only be two or three sentences but it needs to exist!! Show me evidence of independent study. Your essay must have a reference that is unique to your essay.
- The final paragraph could evaluate to what extent digital media has empowered an audience. What does e-media offer an audience that was not available in a pre-digital world? Students need to consider who this media benefits: audience or producer? THIS IS A KEY MEDIA DEBATE.
This is a POTENTIAL structure but will allow students to construct a coherent response.
The final section of the session considered how media forms are used to shape meaning in recent NHS Smoking broadcast advertisements.Click on link below to access resources:
NHS One:
NHS Two:
NHS Hooked:
Class discussion considered how Public Service institutions and Charity organisations can create media that is shocking and powerful. Reference was made to the Women's Aid broadcast media that was banned in 2009. Click on link below:
Then we went home.
HOMEWORK: Complete the Cross-Media Study essay and consider how media forms are used to shape meaning in the NHS Smoking adverts. We will be discussing these texts when next we meet.
Sala Kahle.