The aim of both sessions was to develop the ability of students to apply media theory in an appropriate manner within a critical analysis. Class discussion on Tuesday considered how the class would answer the question: Why do people watch violent films? Students were encouraged to apply theory when considering a response to this question.
The recent student homework resulted in students now owning a very useful booklet of resources that explore issues relating to regulation and media influence..oh and one film review. Cheers Ed.
The whole focus of the last four lessons has been media theory and now it is time for students to show me that they can apply media theory in an appropriate manner.
HOMEWORK: Students need to provide a written response to the question:
'MEDIA TEXTS CAN DEFINITELY INFLUENCE HUMAN BEHAVIOUR.' To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Students are expected to illustrate their argument with clear reference to the media texts that will allow the construction of the most convincing, detailed and coherent response. Below is a possible structure:
- Refer to Marxist theory and the belief that a media text can have an incredible influence upon human behaviour. Examples? Desensitisation? Move on to argue against the idea that the audience is passive with reference to Sensitisation and Liberal Pluralism. Examples?
- If students feel comfortable exploring the link between Marxist Theory and it! This will require a consideration of Chomsky, reference to the recent U.S. election and the obscene amount of money that was used to create media that hoped to influence voting, Fox news and its inability to know the arguments.
- Reception Theory and the idea that human experience dictates the level of textual influence. Examples?
- This could then move in to a consideration of The Uses and Gratification Theory. Discuss the differing strands of this theory. Examples? This theory offers the view that two people could watch the same text and react in a very different manner. The audience uses the media to gratify their own needs. Feel free to refer to narrative theory. Binary opposites? Clearly defined villains and heroes? Role models?
- This could then move into a consideration of Dyer's theories. Examples?
- Reference could be made to Two-Step Theory as this is the theory that illustrates the idea that an audience is not necessarily atomised. It is possible to synthesise information as a family or community. We do not necessarily consume media in isolation.
- Conclusion. What does the fact that REGULATION exists suggest about media influence? Can media really influence human behaviour? Conclusion needs to be precise and convincing.
Students need to provide clear evidence of independent research. All arguments need to be illustrated with specific textual reference. This will require research. USE THE BOOKLET THAT HAS BEEN CREATED BY YOUR CLASSMATES. IT IS A FANTASTIC RESOURCE.