Tuesday 22 November 2011

YEAR 12 LESSON TEN [22nd Nov 11]: Homework.

Students were warmly praised for their behaviour last Wednesday when attending the National Museum of Media in Bradford. I hope all students have thanked JT at BHS for organising the trip. MASSIVE thanks to all students for their good humour and creativity throughout the whole of the visit.

The aim of today's session was to provide tasks that will help improve the ability of the class to produce a detailed media analysis that applies media language in an appropriate manner. The questions presented to the students in today's lesson relate to Section A of MEST1 [the exam paper]. Written work is definitely improving but we still need to improve the ability of students to create convincing and precise critical analysis when considering the content of a media text.

The first text offered to the class was the trailer for the 2010 film KICK-ASS. Click on link below to access the trailer used in today's lesson:
The class were asked to consider three questions that relate to this text:

1.What clues are offered as to the genre of this film?
2.What pleasure does the trailer offer its audience?
3.How is violence represented in this trailer?

The second text offered to the class was the Google Chrome advertisement released earlier this year. Click on link below to access media text:
The class were asked to consider three questions that relate to this text:

4.How are media forms used to create an engaging advertisement?
5.How does the advert communicate brand values for Google Chrome?
6.How might this advertisement relate to the Audience/Producer debate?

These six questions were the focus of the lesson and were the stimulus for class discussion. The quality of the oral response was excellent and we now need to reflect this quality through the written work.

HOMEWORK: Complete the six questions. Click on link below to download guidance notes. ALL STUDENTS SHOULD DOWNLOAD THESE NOTES...EVEN EVIE!

Students have exemplar material and my detailed assessment of recent written work thus I expect all students to create a written response that shows definite signs of improvement. I do not want to write 'For example' or 'Be specific' or 'Too vague' or 'media language?' on any work.
Go on...I dare you!

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