Tuesday 14 February 2012

YEAR 12 LESSON NINETEEN [14th Feb 12]: Homework.

Students endured a session that explored issues that relate to the Cross-Media Study. The whole focus of the session was the question:
IS THE MEDIA 'DUMBING DOWN'? Discuss this statement in relation to the media products from your case study.
  • Evaluate to what extent the media products in your case study do more than just entertain.
  • Support your answer with reference to examples from three media platforms.
Students discussed how the BGS Cross-Media texts could be used to confront the requirements of this question. Class discussion generated a series of notes and a rough essay structure was provided by Chimpnimsky.

HOMEWORK: We now have two weeks before the next media lesson. I expect students to hand me the Cross-Media essay when we return. Further guidance notes will be posted to the blog to ensure that students can produce a decent response to this tough task. Students need to check fishymedia over half-term to access a download that will relate to the requirements of the essay. This is a very important task.
Furthermore, students need to be creating their coursework. REMEMBER, WE WILL BE MEETING ON THURSDAY 23rd FEBRUARY 10AM/3PM TO EDIT BROADCAST MEDIA.

Lots to do media folk.

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