Sunday 8 December 2013

YEAR 12 LESSON LESSON TWENTY-FIVE [9th Dec 13]: Homework

The aim of today's session was to introduce media theory and also introduce THE CROSS-MEDIA STUDY. Students will be studying documentary and hybrid documentary. See handout that was provided in lesson.

Students need to answer the question: How does the Searching For Sugar Man trailer use media forms to engage the audience? Click on link below to access trailer:
Class discussion recognised the significance of the newspaper reviews and the emotional nature of the language used in the voiceover. Illustrate your answer with specific reference to the text.
The second written response relates to the trailer for Educating Yorkshire. Click on link below to access the trailer: 
The question is: How is this school represented in this trailer?
Students might want to consider the aim of the trailer. What kind of content can the audience expect?
I will be collecting these two responses before Thursday's session. Remember, be brief but detailed. Refer specifically to the text and use appropriate media language.
Students should also watch the trailer below. This is Project Nim:

Lumiere Brothers:
The Lumiere Brothers are revered as the first documentary film-makers. Feel free to peruse these filmic beasts from the 1890s. We will be discussing the brothers in the next session. Feel free to digest WARHOL'S EAT. Dynamic editing eh?

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