Saturday 3 May 2014

YEAR 12 LESSON FORTY-FIVE/FORTY SIX [28th April/ 1st May 14] : Homework

The aim of these two sessions was to reintroduce the class to the skills that will be required when confronting the exam. Students were asked to create their 'Fantasy' Cross-Media Study question. The question was: HOW DO INSTITUTIONS DIFFER IN THE WAY THEY PROMOTE THEIR PRODUCTS ACROSS DIFFERENT MEDIA PLATFORMS?
Students were also asked to provide an appropriate response to this Samsung Advert from 2012. Click on link below:
The class were asked to consider appropriate content for the following questions:
  1. How are media forms used to shape meaning?
  2. How is technology represented?
  3. Who is the target audience?
HOMEWORK: Complete the Cross-Media question and answer the three questions that relate to the Samsung advert. Students need to be reading ALL the Cross-Media resources that I have provided throughout the course. COURSEWORK was excellent. Now we need to nail the exam.

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