Tuesday 26 April 2011


Here is an essay to aid your understanding of MEST 1 SECTION B. Click on link below to access essay:

I have given students a list of cross-media study questions and would advise students to use these questions as the focus for your revision. Consider how you would answer each question. Create some detailed spider diagrams that would allow you to answer these questions. I have yet to receive any essays...please feel free to construct a cross-media essay.

Here is a cross-media study question from the June 2009 paper:
Account for the similarities and differences in the codes and conventions used in the media products from your case study.
In your answer you should:
*provide a brief outline of your case study
*compare how and why media products from your case study are similar and/or different within and across media platforms
*support your answer with reference to a range of examples from three media platforms.

The only way to comprehend the requirements of the cross-media study is to apply your knowledge to a question. GO ON...I DARE YOU!

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