Saturday 9 April 2011

YEAR 12 LESSON TWENTY FOUR [29th March 11]: Homework.

Students were asked to revisit the cross-media study question: Audiences are no longer just consumers of media texts but producers too.

The last set of essays clearly expressed the fact that most students were struggling with the Audience/Producer debate so the whole aim of this lesson was to reinforce how this debate links to our case study. The essays produced in the second session were excellent. Well done.

Homework: Read all the material I have provided that relates to the cross-media study and watch the texts. If a question appears in the exam that asks you to consider the content of each documentary narrative, you must be able to refer to specific moments from Man On Wire/ ETTGS/ SECRET MILLIONAIRE or any documentary/hybrid-documentary texts that you have used to further enhance your case study. It is possible that the question might ask you to consider issues relating to Representation, so you must be familiar with our key texts.

I have provided a booklet and exemplar essays. Read all the material.

Any student who has yet to watch all three texts is wasting my time. BE A STUDENT. Visit the texts.

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