Friday 15 April 2011

YEAR 12 LESSON Twenty Six [12th April 11]: Homework.

Media bloke was moderating so the lesson consisted of a brief lecture relating to revision over the Easter holidays. It is essential that students read through their notes and synthesise the knowledge/teacher comments/media language thrown at them over the last seven months.

I would advise all students to focus upon the cross-media study.Read the notes and revisit the key texts. I repeat....any media student that has not watched the three key texts is a D-Head. How can you be serious about your own education if you have yet to watch MOW/SM/ETTGS?

I will be posting essays, podcasts and links throughout the Spring Holiday so stay tuned to FISHYMEDIA. Drop me an e-mail or a blog comment if you want me to answer any queries. I intend to spend my break searching for the famous Beverley Westwood Elk. A fearsome creature that is rarely sighted.


Here are links from fishymedia that relate to the CROSS-MEDIA STUDY:

Students with A/B aspirations should explore how documentaries use print media and e-media to market their media product and engage the audience and how contemporary documentary conforms to the idea that documentary is closer to truth than a fictional media text. For example, keen students could visit the media that relates to the BBC's recent 'Wonders of the Universe', Channel Four's 'Jamie's Dream School' or the 2011 Oscar winning documentary 'INSIDE JOB' created by Charles H.Ferguson.

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