Thursday 22 September 2011

YEAR 13 LESSON THREE [23rd Sept 11]: Homework.

Students were asked to consider their own definition of democratic freedom before a class discussion produced a series of notes that will be used to help create a response to the question: 'THE INTERNET AND WORLDWIDE WEB HAVE CREATED A MORE DEMOCRATIC WORLD.' TO WHAT EXTENT DO YOU AGREE WITH THIS STATEMENT?
I expect this essay to be completed for homework and handed to me at the beginning of next Friday's session.

The second section of this session was concerned with discussing material that will eventually allow students to produce a response to the statement: 'MEDIA INSTITUTIONS ARE RIGHT TO FEEL THREATENED BY NEW/DIGITAL MEDIA.' CONSIDER THIS STATEMENT AND SHOW HOW MEDIA INSTITUTIONS ARE REACTING TO TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTS.

Students were provided with material that explores media issues relating to 'The MySpace Story' and also explores the influence of Napster and how Shawn Fanning has changed how we consume music. Students were made aware of the Google Plus challenge to Facebook. Click on link to view BBC material relating to this issue:

Students were then asked to consider the influence of advertising and whether the internet is really a 'Free Space'. What price do we pay when we access the digital world?

Homework: Students need to complete the media and democracy essay. Students also need to watch the third episode of the BBC's THE VIRTUAL REVOLUTION. This episode is titled THE COST OF FREE and is an essential resource. This documentary explores issues such as the influence of the cookie, how behavioural targeting works, and why Adwords is so effective. YOU MUST WATCH THIS EPISODE. The first three episodes of this documentary form the basic understanding of digital media that will allow students to develop a more sophisticated understanding of media debates and issues. If you are not watching these resources you are not an A Level Media student and might want to reconsider your academic options. Click on link below to access the first You Tube segment of episode three. Students should navigate through the episode from this initial link:

Students need to familiarise themselves with THE COST OF FREE/Napster notes as this information will inform the next session.

Lots to do folks. The essay is a massive piece of work as it will provide me with evidence of how you are approaching this course and how much research you are undertaking beyond our classroom. CRITICAL AUTONOMY is crucial. I have provided an essay plan and a mass of material that is relevant for this task. I expect a detailed and convincing A2 response that reflects the amount of work/material that we have discussed in preparation for this task.

Students are advised to revisit the links offered in the first two lesson blog entries.

Good luck.

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