Tuesday 1 October 2013

YEAR 12 LESSON SIX/SEVEN [26th/30th Sept 13]: Homework.

The aim of the first session was to provide students with the opportunity to produce creative media and develop film editing skills. Some of the work is very good. Keep it up.

The session on Monday 30th aimed to improve the quality of the written work. The first essays were handed back to students and the whole session attempted to address the issues raised by this written work. The main issues with the first essays was a lack of appropriate media language and a lack of specific textual reference when constructing a critical argument. Students were provided with exemplar material from Lord Lard of Mediaworld and class discussion considered how work could be improved.

The main textual focus of the lesson was the Channel Four advertisement MEET THE SUPERHUMANS which was used to promote Channel Four's coverage of last summer's Paralympic event. Class discussion considered how MEDIA FORMS are used to shape meaning and the representation of the paralympians.

HOMEWORK: The aim of the written homework is for students to improve their initial grade by at least one full grade. The questions are:
  1. How are MEDIA FORMS used to shape meaning in Channel Four's advert 'MEET THE SUPERHUMANS'?
  2. How are Paralympians represented in the Channel Four advert?
  3. How is violence represented in the Kick-Ass trailer?
Here are links to both the media texts:

REMEMBER MEDIA FREAKS...you do not have to produce an extended response BUT you do need to use appropriate media language, identify key moments from the text when constructing an argument and explain why these key frames are so significant, and express your opinion in a coherent manner. Also, make sure your work is presented in a manner that reflects the fact that you are an A Level student. I will collect this written work before the next session.
Good Luck.

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